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cin.getline in while loop

I am doing homework for school, and basically when you enter "VIP" , vip++ should be done. It won't even build when I put cin.getline in while loop. getline usually works in other codes but I don't understand it this time. Can someone help me?


#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstring>
#include <cmath>

int main() {
  int istok = 0, zapad = 0, loza = 0, vip = 0, mladi = 0;

  cout << "Unesite I za istok, Z za zapad, L za lozu, VIP za VIP (rofl), M za "
          "djecu i mlade."
       << endl;

  char unos5;

  while (unos5 != 'K') {
    cin.getline(unos5, 5);

    if (unos5 == 'I') {

    else if (unos5 == 'Z') {

    else if (unos5 == 'L') {

    else if (unos5 == 'VIP') {

    else if (unos5 == 'M') {

    /*else if(unos5 != 'I' || 'Z' || 'L' || 'VIP' || 'M'){
            cout<<"Unjeli ste krivo! Pokusajte ponovno."<<endl;

    else if (unos5 == 'K') {

  cout << "Ukupna zarada od prodanih ulaznica je "
       << istok * 60 + zapad * 80 + loza * 100 + vip * 500 + mladi * 20
       << " kn." << endl;

  return 0;

First of all cout , cin and endl are in the std namespace, so you need to either prepend std:: to them of add lines like using std::cout; after the #include s.

Regarding your code, the getline member of istream (the type of cin ) requires a char array, but you only define a char. I suggest not to use char arrays but use the free function getline that gets a stream to read from as a parameter and that stores the result in a std::string which allows safer and easier handling. As you did not use <cstring> and getline is in <string> I changed that #include .

Also your 'VIP' cannot do something useful. These are three characters in one, that cannot work. You need a string for it (double quotes, not single quotes).

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

int main()

    int istok = 0, zapad = 0, loza = 0, vip = 0, mladi = 0;

    cout << "Unesite I za istok, Z za zapad, L za lozu, VIP za VIP (rofl), M za djecu i mlade." << endl;

    std::string unos5;

    while (unos5 != "K") {
        std::getline(std::cin, unos5);

        if (unos5 == "I") {

        else if (unos5 == "Z") {

        else if (unos5 == "L") {

        else if (unos5 == "VIP") {

        else if (unos5 == "M") {

        /*else if(unos5 != 'I' || 'Z' || 'L' || 'VIP' || 'M'){
                cout<<"Unjeli ste krivo! Pokusajte ponovno."<<endl;

        else if (unos5 == "K") {


    cout << "Ukupna zarada od prodanih ulaznica je " << istok * 60 + zapad * 80 + loza * 100 + vip * 500 + mladi * 20 << " kn." << endl;

    return 0;

Please also note that writing endl has the effect of writing '\n' and then calling flush() on the output stream. If you don't need the flush() , then you should only write '\n'.

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