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Using Python, how can I detect whether a program is minimized or maximized?

I am trying to detect if a window is open using win32gui.IsIconic(hWnd). What exactly do I put in to substitute hWnd?

My goal is pretty simple: If a program, for example Notepad, is maximized, I want a boolean to be true, and if not, it's false.

I am not 100% familiar with programming terms as I am a bit on the newer side of programming, so examples/specifics help tops.

This would probably work.

window = win32gui.FindWindow("Notepad", None)
if window:
    tup = win32gui.GetWindowPlacement(window)
    if tup[1] == win32con.SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED:
        minimized = False
    elif tup[1] == win32con.SW_SHOWMINIMIZED:
        minimized = True
    elif tup[1] == win32con.SW_SHOWNORMAL:
        normal = True

The code is from this answer: Duplicate

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