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Lateral Flatten Snowflake from a Variant table

I have a variant table called raw_json , that houses multiple json files, which are unique to the ID but contain similar data points within each json. They live within the jsontext column. Here is a SS for context. I am trying to flatten each row of the raw_json table into a normal table view. The two arrays indexes need to align to assign the right values.

表名是 raw_json

Here are two rows from the raw_json table and how the json is structured.

 "ID": "PO-103",
 "content": {
   "EEList": [
       "EEListID": "PO-103-1",
       "EEProductID": "XXX1976",

       "EEListID": "PO-103-2",
       "EEProductID": "XXX1977",
       "EEListID": "PO-103-3",
       "EEProductID": "XXX1978",
   "EENotesList": [
       "FirstName": "John",
       "LastName": "Smith",
       "pxObjClass": "XX-XXSales-Work-XX"
       "FirstName": "Bob",
       "LastName": "Joe",
       "pxObjClass": "XX-XXSales-Work-XX"
       "FirstName": "Mike",
       "LastName": "Smith",
       "pxObjClass": "XX-XXSales-Work-XX"
  "ID": "PO-104",
  "content": {
    "EEList": [
        "EEListID": "PO-104-1",
        "EEProductID": "XXX1979",

        "EEListID": "PO-104-2",
        "EEProductID": "XXX1980",
        "EEListID": "PO-104-3",
        "EEProductID": "XXX1981",
    "EENotesList": [
        "FirstName": "Sarah",
        "LastName": "Butler",
        "pxObjClass": "XX-XXSales-Work-XX"
        "FirstName": "Jessica",
        "LastName": "Adams",
        "pxObjClass": "XX-XXSales-Work-XX"

into a table like this (I need this)

|   ID   | EEListID | EEProductID | FirstName | LastName |    pxObjClass     |
| PO-103 | PO-103-1 | XXX1976     | John      | Smith    | X-XXSales-Work-XX |
| PO-103 | PO-103-2 | XXX1977     | Bob       | Joe      | X-XXSales-Work-XX |
| PO-103 | PO-103-3 | XXX1978     | Mike      | Smith    | X-XXSales-Work-XX |
| PO-104 | PO-104-1 | XXX1979     | Sarah     | Butler   | X-XXSales-Work-XX |
| PO-104 | PO-104-2 | XXX1980     | Jessica   | Adams    | X-XXSales-Work-XX |

I have been able to flatten the EENoteList array into a table and assign the right ID to that table. Here is my code so far: Adding in EEList values without fanning out the table is where I go wrong.

    jsontext:ID::varchar as ID,
    en.value:FirstName::varchar as FirstName,
    en.value:LastName::varchar as LastName,
    en.value:pxObjClass::varchar as pxObjClass
   -- concat(ID, EEProductID, FirstName, LastName)

    from raw_json,
    lateral flatten (input => jsontext:content:EENotesList, outer => false) en;

which produces this table (I have this)

|   ID   | FirstName | LastName |    pxObjClass     |
| PO-103 | John      | Smith    | X-XXSales-Work-XX |
| PO-103 | Bob       | Joe      | X-XXSales-Work-XX |
| PO-103 | Mike      | Smith    | X-XXSales-Work-XX |
| PO-104 | Sarah     | Butler   | X-XXSales-Work-XX |
| PO-104 | Jessica   | Adams    | X-XXSales-Work-XX |
| PO-104 | Terrence  | Williams | X-XXSales-Work-XX |

so mostly this answer is the preamble to get the data into a CTE, but "iff" the order of the two arrays are in lockstep, you can just use the index of the flatten to access the raw array of the other type:

WITH raw_json AS (
select PARSE_json(column1) AS jsontext FROM VALUES 
 "ID": "PO-103",
 "content": {
   "EEList": [
       "EEListID": "PO-103-1",
       "EEProductID": "XXX1976",

       "EEListID": "PO-103-2",
       "EEProductID": "XXX1977",
       "EEListID": "PO-103-3",
       "EEProductID": "XXX1978",
   "EENotesList": [
       "FirstName": "John",
       "LastName": "Smith",
       "pxObjClass": "XX-XXSales-Work-XX"
       "FirstName": "Bob",
       "LastName": "Joe",
       "pxObjClass": "XX-XXSales-Work-XX"
       "FirstName": "Mike",
       "LastName": "Smith",
       "pxObjClass": "XX-XXSales-Work-XX"
}'), ('{
  "ID": "PO-104",
  "content": {
    "EEList": [
        "EEListID": "PO-104-1",
        "EEProductID": "XXX1979",

        "EEListID": "PO-104-2",
        "EEProductID": "XXX1980",
        "EEListID": "PO-104-3",
        "EEProductID": "XXX1981",
    "EENotesList": [
        "FirstName": "Sarah",
        "LastName": "Butler",
        "pxObjClass": "XX-XXSales-Work-XX"
        "FirstName": "Jessica",
        "LastName": "Adams",
        "pxObjClass": "XX-XXSales-Work-XX"
    jsontext:ID::varchar as ID,
    en.value:FirstName::varchar as FirstName,
    en.value:LastName::varchar as LastName,
    en.value:pxObjClass::varchar as pxObjClass,
    jsontext:content.EEList[en.index].EEListID::text as EEListID,
    jsontext:content.EEList[en.index].EEProductID::text as EEProductID
    from raw_json,
    lateral flatten (input => jsontext:content:EENotesList, outer => false) en;

this results in:

PO-103  John    Smith   XX-XXSales-Work-XX  PO-103-1    XXX1976
PO-103  Bob     Joe     XX-XXSales-Work-XX  PO-103-2    XXX1977
PO-103  Mike    Smith   XX-XXSales-Work-XX  PO-103-3    XXX1978
PO-104  Sarah   Butler  XX-XXSales-Work-XX  PO-104-1    XXX1979
PO-104  Jessica Adams   XX-XXSales-Work-XX  PO-104-2    XXX1980

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