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Loop through array and edit string

I have this variable:

WelcomeText = 'Hi $0! Welcome to $1!';

And I am trying to create this function:

translate(WelcomeText, 'Daniel', 'Budapest');

Which should return this:

'Hi Daniel! Welcome to Budapest!'

I have tried to make this function which should support unlimited arguments to replace:

export const translator = (str, ...args) => {
  let translate = args.map((item, index) => {
    let stringToReplace = '$' + index;
    let result = str.replace(stringToReplace, item);
    return result;


But that gives me this:

["Hi Daniel! Welcome to $1", "Hi $0! Welcome to Budapest"]

Not sure how to explain it more than this, but I am out of words so I hope u can understand my problem with above :)

What am I doing wrong here, and what do I need to do to reach my desired result?

You can simply use forEach instead

 let WelcomeText = 'Hi $0! Welcome to $1!'; const translator = (str, ...args) => { args.forEach((item, index) => { let stringToReplace = '$' + index; str= str.replace(stringToReplace, item); }); console.log(str); }; translator(WelcomeText, 'Daniel', 'Budapest');

Since you're using map in your original code so it returns a new string on every iteration and you endup getting an array of string, where in actual you need to get a string with all $ (index) instance replaced so you should be using the replaced string on next iteration onwards

You could take a function as replacement parameter and search for the index of the string.

 const translate = (string, ...items) => string.replace(/\\$(\\d+)/g, (_, i) => items[i]), text = 'Hi $0! Welcome to $1!'; console.log(translate(text, 'Daniel', 'Budapest'));

map always creates a new array of the same length, but you want to return a string. You could use reduce instead with the text as the initial value:

 var welcomeText = 'Hi $0! Welcome to $1!'; const translate = (t, ...args) => args.reduce((a, x, i) => a.replace(`$${i}`, x), t); console.log(translate(welcomeText, 'Daniel', 'Budapest'));

The problem is that Array#map creates an array , so each replacement is treated as a separate thing to replace, so first you replace $0 and leave $1 but next time you're replacing from the original string and only replace $1 but leave $0 .

Since you don't need an array as a result, you can use Array#forEach to just keep updating the str every time:

 const translator = (str, ...args) => { let translate = args.forEach((item, index) => { let stringToReplace = '$' + index; str = str.replace(stringToReplace, item); }); console.log(str); }; const WelcomeText = 'Hi $0! Welcome to $1!'; translator(WelcomeText, 'Daniel', 'Budapest');

Alternatively, you could use Array#reduce and use the resulting value:

 const translator = (str, ...args) => { let translate = args.reduce((result, item, index) => { let stringToReplace = '$' + index; return result.replace(stringToReplace, item); }, str); console.log(translate); }; const WelcomeText = 'Hi $0! Welcome to $1!'; translator(WelcomeText, 'Daniel', 'Budapest');

You can also String#replace with a function as a replacer parameter, which will allow you to dynamically determine what the replacement would be:

 const translator = (str, ...args) => { let translate = str.replace( /\\$(\\d+)/g, //match a pattern that has $ followed by a number, capture the number (match, placeholderNumber) => args[placeholderNumber] //replace with corresponding the value from args ) console.log(translate); }; const WelcomeText = 'Hi $0! Welcome to $1!'; translator(WelcomeText, 'Daniel', 'Budapest');

Try this

let name = args[0];
let place = args[1];

let message = 'Hi ${name}, welcome to ${place}`;

I would pass to translator array of arrays, like this:

const welcome = "Hi $0! Welcome to $1!";

const returnString = (str, name, city) =>
  str.replace("$0", name).replace("$1", city);

const translator = (str, arr) => {
  return arr.map(([name, city]) => returnString(str, name, city));

  translator(welcome, [
    ["John", "NY"],
    ["Sara", "LA"],
    ["Bill", "SF"]

output: ["Hi John! Welcome to NY!", "Hi Sara! Welcome to LA!", "Hi Bill! Welcome to SF!"]

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