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Select all columns with group by without selecting all them individually

I have the following SQL:

declare @Users table (
  Id int not null primary key clustered (Id),
  [Name] nvarchar(255) not null

declare @Skills table (
  SkillId int not null primary key clustered (SkillId)

declare @UserSkills table (
  UserId int not null, 
  SkillId int not null,
    primary key clustered (UserId, SkillId)

insert into @Users
values (1, 'Jonh'), (2, 'Mary');

insert into @Skills
values (148), (149), (304), (305);

insert into @UserSkills
values (1, 149), (1, 305), (2, 148), (2, 149);

select u.Id, u.Name
from @Users as u
inner join @UserSkills as us
on u.Id = us.UserId
where us.SkillId in (149, 305)
group by u.Id, u.Name
having count(*) = 2

I am getting the User John as expected.

But in real code the User has 40 columns.

Is it possible to do the select / group by to use all columns without enumerating all individually?

Aggregate before joining:

select u.*
from @Users u join
     (select us.UserId
      from @UserSkills us
      where us.SkillId in (149, 305)
      group by us.UserId
      having count(*) = 2
     ) us
     on u.Id = us.UserId

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