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C# AutoResetEvent does not reset

I have spent two whole days figuring out why the threading in my WinForms application doesn't work. I really need some help here.

In my application, button1_Click event will call a method but if the method runs for too long, I want to abort it.

private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    button1.Enabled = false; 
    Thread t1 = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ExtractData));

    //Wait for 5 seconds, if t1 is not finished executing, abort the thread
    if (autoResetEvent.WaitOne()== false)
    button1.Enabled = true; 

private void ExtractData()
    //Get data from web service..


I consider button1_Click event as my main thread and ExtractData() will be in thread t1. After ExtractData() is finished doing it's work, I want autoResetEvent.Set() to wake up autoResetEvent.WaitOne() in the main thread & therefore the main thread execution can be finished. However the main thread will just stop at autoResetEvent.WaitOne() & remains in waiting state. Did I do anything wrong?

You're waiting on the event twice, and after the first time the event has been reset, as it is an auto reset event. Change this:

if (autoResetEvent.WaitOne()== false)


if (autoResetEvent.WaitOne(5000)== false)

So that you only wait on it once.

Also, as others have mentioned, your code is blocking the gui thread for the entire 5 seconds that you wait, meaning your applcation will become unresponsive. You should look into other options, such as using async / await .

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