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Latency between thread test: Linux bare metal machine vs QNX on a VM

I recently did a latency comparison on these two setups: a) Ubuntu 16.04 running on a 12 core host; b) A guest QNX running a VMware on a laptop host (4 cores assigned to the QNX VM) - I do not have a better setup currently for QNX.

The test scenario: 10 threads running, each thread sends out a message to a randomly chosen receiving thread every 30ms-ish - very low message rate indeed; the message mechanism is implemented using conditional variables and each thread has its own dedicated rx prod-consumer queue and its own conditional variable and mutex - so no interference between queues. I measure the time between the message got constructed/sent and the receiving thread gets the message. The mean and std_dev min max are all captured for each thread.

The result is surprisingly favoring QNX (although it is running on a VM). 10us vs 40us.

for a thread on Linux (seconds): mean=0.000038076 std_dev=2.7523e-05 min=0.000000254 max=0.000177410 sampleSize=1023 for a thread QNX (seconds): mean=0.000011351 std_dev=0.000105937 min=0.000000000 max=0.000999987 sampleSize=969

I noticed that the QNX side the clock is not as precise (resolution wise) as the Linux side since I do see the min latency measurable is 0.

I just wonder if it conforms with other people's experiences - does Linux thread conditional wake-up take 40us in average? Btw, if the QNX time precision is in 100us and Linux is in nanosec, does this diff impact stat? Thanks.

The latency test turns out to be more sensitive (in a different way) to the HW than what I previous thought. The newer 12 core CPU host has hyper thread enabled and it produces 40us latency numbers. I moved to a older 4 CPU with hyper thread disabled machine, the latency number drops to 15-16us. That is in the same ball park range as the QNX VM number. I wish I could make the platform more aligned in the tests to get a more conclusive answer in the future.

new Linux result: mean=0.000015819 std_dev=1.39205e-05 min=0.000000503 max=0.000117652 sampleSize=1528

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