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face recognition by opencv python

i have a code for face recognition by open cv python

import face_recognition as fr
import os
import cv2
import face_recognition
import numpy as np
from time import sleep

def get_encoded_faces():
    looks through the faces folder and encodes all
    the faces

    :return: dict of (name, image encoded)
    encoded = {}

    for dirpath, dnames, fnames in os.walk("./faces"):
        for f in fnames:
            if f.endswith(".jpg") or f.endswith(".png"):
                face = fr.load_image_file("faces/" + f)
                encoding = fr.face_encodings(face)[0]
                encoded[f.split(".")[0]] = encoding

    return encoded

def unknown_image_encoded(img):
    encode a face given the file name
    face = fr.load_image_file("faces/" + img)
    encoding = fr.face_encodings(face)[0]

    return encoding

def classify_face(im):
    will find all of the faces in a given image and label
    them if it knows what they are

    :param im: str of file path
    :return: list of face names
    faces = get_encoded_faces()
    faces_encoded = list(faces.values())
    known_face_names = list(faces.keys())

    img = cv2.imread(im, 1)
    #img = cv2.resize(img, (0, 0), fx=0.5, fy=0.5)
    #img = img[:,:,::-1]

    face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(img)
    unknown_face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(img, face_locations)

    face_names = []
    for face_encoding in unknown_face_encodings:
        # See if the face is a match for the known face(s)
        matches = face_recognition.compare_faces(faces_encoded, face_encoding)
        name = "Unknown"

        # use the known face with the smallest distance to the new face
        face_distances = face_recognition.face_distance(faces_encoded, face_encoding)
        best_match_index = np.argmin(face_distances)
        if matches[best_match_index]:
            name = known_face_names[best_match_index]


        for (top, right, bottom, left), name in zip(face_locations, face_names):
            # Draw a box around the face
            cv2.rectangle(img, (left-20, top-20), (right+20, bottom+20), (255, 0, 0), 2)

            # Draw a label with a name below the face
            cv2.rectangle(img, (left-20, bottom -15), (right+20, bottom+20), (255, 0, 0), cv2.FILLED)
            font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX
            cv2.putText(img, name, (left -20, bottom + 15), font, 1.0, (255, 255, 255), 2)

    # Display the resulting image
    while True:

        cv2.imshow('Video', img)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
            return face_names 


it is taking image that we save to test but i want it to take image from camera then recognize it So any one here can please tell how i can change test image so it will take test image from camera not what we save in data base to test...........

If you want to check single frame from camera then simply use

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
status, img = cap.read()

instead of

img = cv2.imread(im, 1)

If you want to check faces in stream then you need to put all in loop

def classify_face(im):

    faces = get_encoded_faces()
    faces_encoded = list(faces.values())
    known_face_names = list(faces.keys())

    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

    while True:

        status, img = cap.read()

        face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(img)
        unknown_face_encodings = face_recognition.face_encodings(img, face_locations)

        face_names = []
        for face_encoding in unknown_face_encodings:
            # See if the face is a match for the known face(s)
            matches = face_recognition.compare_faces(faces_encoded, face_encoding)
            name = "Unknown"

            # use the known face with the smallest distance to the new face
            face_distances = face_recognition.face_distance(faces_encoded, face_encoding)
            best_match_index = np.argmin(face_distances)
            if matches[best_match_index]:
                name = known_face_names[best_match_index]


            for (top, right, bottom, left), name in zip(face_locations, face_names):
                # Draw a box around the face
                cv2.rectangle(img, (left-20, top-20), (right+20, bottom+20), (255, 0, 0), 2)

                # Draw a label with a name below the face
                cv2.rectangle(img, (left-20, bottom -15), (right+20, bottom+20), (255, 0, 0), cv2.FILLED)
                font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX
                cv2.putText(img, name, (left -20, bottom + 15), font, 1.0, (255, 255, 255), 2)

        cv2.imshow('Video', img)


        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

EDIT: Full code (with small changes) for work with video stream. It works for me. But if previous function did works for you then this version may not help you - function classify_face is almost the same as in previous example.

import os
import cv2
import face_recognition as fr
import numpy as np

def get_encoded_faces(folder="./faces"):
    looks through the faces folder and encodes all
    the faces

    :return: dict of (name, image encoded)
    encoded = {}

    for dirpath, dnames, fnames in os.walk(folder):
        for f in fnames:
            if f.lower().endswith(".jpg") or f.lower().endswith(".png"):

                fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, f)
                face = fr.load_image_file(fullpath)

                # normally face_encodings check if face is on image - and it can get empty result
                height, width = face.shape[:2]
                encoding = fr.face_encodings(face, known_face_locations=[(0, width, height, 0)])
                if len(encoding) > 0:
                    encoding = encoding[0]
                    encoded[f.split(".")[0]] = encoding

    return encoded

def classify_face(im):
    will find all of the faces in a given image and label
    them if it knows what they are

    :param im: str of file path
    :return: list of face names
    faces = get_encoded_faces()
    faces_encoded = list(faces.values())
    known_face_names = list(faces.keys())

    cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

    while True:

        status, img = cap.read()
        #print('status:', status)

        face_locations = fr.face_locations(img)
        unknown_face_encodings = fr.face_encodings(img, face_locations)

        face_names = []
        for location, face_encoding in zip(face_locations, unknown_face_encodings): # I moved `zip()` in this place

            # See if the face is a match for the known face(s)
            matches = fr.compare_faces(faces_encoded, face_encoding)
            name = "Unknown"

            # use the known face with the smallest distance to the new face
            face_distances = fr.face_distance(faces_encoded, face_encoding)

            best_match_index = np.argmin(face_distances)
            if matches[best_match_index]:
                name = known_face_names[best_match_index]


            top, right, bottom, left = location
            # Draw a box around the face

            cv2.rectangle(img, (left-20, top-20), (right+20, bottom+20), (255, 0, 0), 2)

            # Draw a label with a name below the face
            cv2.rectangle(img, (left-20, bottom -15), (right+20, bottom+20), (255, 0, 0), cv2.FILLED)
            font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX
            cv2.putText(img, name, (left -20, bottom + 15), font, 1.0, (255, 255, 255), 2)

        print('face_names:', face_names)
        cv2.imshow('Video', img)

        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
            return face_names 

# --- main ---



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