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Script usage for output

I am having 230 directories(*_t) where I need to grep "Unseen Issues" in report.rt file in all directories. I have tried this:

grep -r "Unseen Issues" *_t/A_*/ar.rt 

I got this where pf_t, pu_t, pv_t, pz_t are directories:

pf_t/A_output/ar.rt:Number of Unseen Issues      = 3
pf_t/A_output/ar.rt:adsd1p2r                50              Unseen Issues ( 1 )
pf_t/A_output/ar.rt:edsd1p2r                50              Unseen Issues ( 1 )
pf_t/A_output/ar.rt:wdsd1p2r                50              Unseen Issues ( 1 )
pu_t/A_output/ar.rt:Number of Unseen Issues      = 0
pv_t/A_output/ar.rt:Number of Unseen Issues      = 0
pz_t/A_output/ar.rt:Number of Unseen Issues      = 0

But I need the output in this way below:

Number of Unseen Issues      = 3
adsd1p2r                50              Unseen Issues ( 1 )
edsd1p2r                50              Unseen Issues ( 1 )
wdsd1p2r                50              Unseen Issues ( 1 )

Number of Unseen Issues      = 0

Number of Unseen Issues      = 0

Number of Unseen Issues      = 0

Can anyone please help me with any small script to get the output as above with using above grep command.

We can use any script can anyone please help me.

I would recommend using AWK if the intermediate text file test1.txt is important. Otherwise a shell loop is simple:

for d in *_t; do
    echo "$d"
    grep -h "Unseen Issues" $d/A_*/ar.rt
    echo ""

Added a test case and ran the script from command-line:

$ find * -type f

$ for d in *_t; do echo "$d"; grep -h "Unseen Issues" $d/A_*/ar.rt; echo ""; done
Number of Unseen Issues      = 3
adsd1p2r                50              Unseen Issues ( 1 )
edsd1p2r                50              Unseen Issues ( 1 )
wdsd1p2r                50              Unseen Issues ( 1 )

Number of Unseen Issues      = 0

Number of Unseen Issues      = 0

Number of Unseen Issues      = 0

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