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I need a bash script which needs to download a tar file from a website, this site has multiple files which needs to be filtered

I have a situation where I need to use curl/wget to download a tar file from a website, based on users input. If they mention a build I need to download a tar file based on the release version, I have a logic already to switch between builds, Questions is how can i filter out a particular tar file from multiple files.

curl -s https://somewebsite/somerepo-folder/os-based.tar | grep os-based* > sample.txt
curl -s https://somewebsite/somerepo-folder/os-based2.tar
curl -s https://somewebsite/somerepo-folder/os-based2.tar 

first curl downloads all files. Regex helps here, how can I place this along with curl?

if there is a mapping between the user-input and the tar file that you can think of, you can do something like this:

# some logic to map user-input with the tar filename to download

wget "https://somewebsite/somerepo-folder/$tarFileName"

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