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java.lang.NullPointerException while getting data from db using @Query in spring JPA. Though query returns data in MySql

I am trying to get data from DB using pincode and cityName but I am getting null pointer exception. I tried to run the query in MySql. It returns correct result. pincode and cityName are getting correct parameters.

public interface GeoMasterDao extends PagingAndSortingRepository<GeoMaster, Long>,JpaSpecificationExecutor<GeoMaster>{

    @Query("select p from GeoMaster p where p.pincode =:pincode and p.cityName =:cityName")
    GeoMaster findByPincodeAndCityName(@Param("pincode") String pincode, @Param("cityName") String cityName);
@Table(name = "geo_master")
public class GeoMaster extends AbstractEntity {

    private String countryId;

    private String districtId;

    private String stateId;

    private String pincode;

    private String cityId;

    private String cityName;


I am calling it using GeoMaster gm = gmDao.findByPincodeAndCityName(pincode, cityName);and here I am getting NullPointerException. findByPincodeAndCityName is having correct values in parameters.

The null pointer exception is probably happening because gmDao is null, rather than some problem with the query. You should check to make sure that your DAO object is being autowired correctly. You should have something like this:

public GeoMasterDao gmDao;

in the class which is executing the query.

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