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Can somebody explain an exclamation mark?

    const string = "Hello There";
    const chars ={};

for(let character of string){
    chars[character] = 1;

The following code will print the number of unique letters appearing in a string. I know that exclamation mark means "false", but I do not understand what it represents in the following example:


I have hard time understanding how it characters are compared with other characters since it clearly states char[at a current i]. If somebody could give a much simpler example. I tried debugging it, but couldn't understand as well.

! inverts the truthyness of an expression. Since chars starts out as an empty object, the first time a character is iterated over, it won't exist on a property of the object; it'll be undefined . Eg, for H :

// equivalent to
// resolves to

// putting ! in front of it makes it truthy instead:
!undefined -> true

So if(!chars[character]){ is saying: if this character doesn't exist on the object yet, then execute the following block:

  chars[character] = 1;
} else {
  // The character has already been iterated over;
  // it exists on the object, and the value is a number
  // Increment that number:

You can the expression into two parts:

  1. chars[character] returns undefined or the count of characters in the string as a number
  2. ! (Logical (NOT) operator) coerces the next thing to a boolean and then flips the boolean

Therefore the two possible cases:

chars[character] // undefined
Boolean(chars[character]) // false
!chars[character] // true
chars[character] // 1
Boolean(chars[character]) // true (numbers other than 0 are coerced to true)
!chars[character] // false

More info at MDN

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