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How to legally cast function pointer to method pointer?

I'm looking for the opposite of std::mem_fn : turning a function pointer into a member pointer (eg void(*)(C*) to void(C::*)() for a given class C ).


I'm using a 3rd party library (say lib1.h ) to create bindings for another 3rd party library ( lib2.h ).

Some functions in lib1.h receive method pointers to methods that accept a Value argument (also defined in lib1.h ). In other hand, lib2.h classes do not contain such methods, so I have to do the wrappings manually through a lambda function:

/* lib1.h (can't touch this) */ 
class Value;
class Property;

template <typename C>
struct ObjectWrap {
  using Method = void(C::*)(Value);
  static Property declare(std::string name, Method method); 

/* lib2.h (can't touch this) */ 
struct Person {
  void greet(std::string name);

/* bindings.cpp */
std::string value_to_std_string(Value v);

Property declarePersonGreet() {
  return ObjectWrap<Person>::declare("greet",
    /* ERROR */ [](Person* p, Value v) {

I'm fairly confident that I'm not misusing lib1.h 's API (and implementing such methods by deriving the classes of lib2.h is unfortunately not an option). Therefore I feel that casting to method pointers is the only solution.

Is there any way of legally doing this? I would like to avoid undefined behavior if possible.

No you cannot do such cast. Even if you could get a void(Person::*)(Value) , you could not use that because Person has no such method. If lib1 expects a type C with a member function void(C::)(Value) then there is no way around providing such type C with the corresponding method. You can write a wrapper for Person :

struct Wrapper {    
    Person p;
    void greet(Value v) {

Property declarePersonGreet() {
  return ObjectWrap<Wrapper>::declare("greet",&Wrapper::greet);

If you have many classes similar to Person you could make the wrapper a template:

template <typename T>
struct Wrapper {    
    T p;
    void greet(Value v) {

...possibly also parameterized on the member function to be called on the wrapped object and the function to be used for converting the parameter.

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