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How can every single line of clipboard, if available, be opened as url in the same window, but delayed, in individual tabs with AutoHotkey (Chrome)?

I want a multiple search in Google Images. I know that there is something like

clipboard := StrReplace(clipboard, "+", "%2B")

but how is it possible? Below is a code relating to the one-time search.

  f = %A_FormatInteger%
  SetFormat, Integer, Hex
  if RegExMatch(str, "^\w+:/{0,2}", pr)
    StringTrimLeft, str, str, StrLen(pr)
  StringReplace, str, str, `%, `%25, All
    if RegExMatch(str, "i)[^\w\.~%/:]", char)
      StringReplace, str, str, %char%, % "%" . SubStr(Asc(char),3), All
    else break
  SetFormat, Integer, %f%
  return, pr . str

a = `%
old_clipboard := ClipboardAll
clipboard := url_encoding(clipboard)
Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --profile-directory="Profile 2" --force-wave-audio --incognito --new-window https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&as_q=%clipboard%, , Max
clipboard := old_clipboard

The change from %clipboard% to %A_LoopField% caused that https://www.google.com/imghp?tbm=isch&as_q= was opened when searching for abc. So I added the parsing Loop:

a = `%
old_clipboard := ClipboardAll
Loop, parse, clipboard, `n, `r
  clipboard := url_encoding(clipboard)
  Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --profile-directory="Profile 2" --force-wave-audio --incognito --new-window https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&as_q=%A_LoopField%, , Max
clipboard := old_clipboard

When I then opened


the search queries were each opened in a new window. But these should only be opened in one new window. The goal is to exclude empty lines (also with whitespace) as well as whitespace before and after the search queries. Once this is done, url_encoding can be used to perform a correct search. In all these cases, the code just mentioned did not work. For example, if

 abc & def       

123 % 456   

is in the clipboard, a new incognito window should show

abc & def

in tab 1 and

123 % 456

in tab 2.

url_encoding() added line breaks as


because they were not excluded.


  f = %A_FormatInteger%
  SetFormat, Integer, Hex
  if RegExMatch(str, "^\w+:/{0,2}", pr)
    StringTrimLeft, str, str, StrLen(pr)
    StringReplace, str, str, `%, `%25, All
    if RegExMatch(str, "i)[^\w\.~%/:\r\n]", char)
      StringReplace, str, str, %char%, % "%" . SubStr(Asc(char),3), All
    else break
  SetFormat, Integer, %f%
  return, pr . str

old_clipboard := ClipboardAll
clipboard := RegExReplace(clipboard, "`am)^\s+")
clipboard := RegExReplace(clipboard, "`am)\s+$")
clipboard := url_encoding(clipboard)
Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --profile-directory="Profile 2" --force-wave-audio --incognito --new-window, , Max
Sleep, 1000
Loop, parse, clipboard, `n, `r
  Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --profile-directory="Profile 2" --force-wave-audio --incognito https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&as_q=%A_LoopField%, , Max
  Sleep, 500
clipboard := old_clipboard

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