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Flutter Firestore search from more than 1 collection

So what I'm trying to do is search from 2 or more collection. Here's my collection:


Let's say I want to search with key "name" and what I want to achieve is, it will searching from Tier-1 to Tier-3. If there's no document equal to "name" from Tier-1, it will continue to Tier-2, if there's document equal to "name" at Tier-2, it will stop and return the document. Is it possible to achieve? or my logic is totally wrong

Basically what you are saying, is that you have the following structure:

Tier-1 (collection) -> docId(document) -> Tier-2 (collection) -> docId(document) -> Tier-3 (collection) -> docId(document)

You can do the following:

  void getData() {
        .where("name", isEqualTo: "peter")
        .then((querySnapshot) {
      querySnapshot.documents.forEach((result) {
        if (result.exists) {
        } else {
              .where("name", isEqualTo: "peter")
              .then((querySnapshot) {
            querySnapshot.documents.forEach((result) {
              if (result.exists) {
              } else {
                    .where("name", isEqualTo: "peter")
                    .then((querySnapshot) {
                  querySnapshot.documents.forEach((result) {
                    if (result.exists) {
                    } else {}

First you check the top collection Tier-1 , if it returns no result, then you need to check the subcollection Tier-2

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