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How do I change the text of Tkinter Buttons in a List

So my friend challenged me to make something with Python. I haven't really done Python before, so I'm struggling with quite a few things.

I have a 9 buttons

turn7 = Button(root, text='', relief="flat", font=("arial", 28, "bold"), width=3, command=lambda: doTurn(turn7,7))

I create every one of the buttons like this and then append them in a list:


I'm trying to change the text of all the buttons like this:

for turn in _list:
    turn["text"] = "Text"

But it returns: "TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str"

I have no idea what to do.

Thanks in advance.

The problem is that your list looks like [[turn1,turn2,turn3,turn4,turn5,turn6,turn7,turn8,turn9]] , not [turn1,turn2,turn3,turn4,turn5,turn6,turn7,turn8,turn9] . Use _list += [turn1,turn2,turn3,turn4,turn5,turn6,turn7,turn8,turn9] instead. Hope that's helpful!

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