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Fetch data from Binance API to Javascript Array

I just started to work with API's and got a little bit confused of how can I transfer the data which I receive to a JavaScript array. I have this code which receive the data from Binance API and show it in console.

var burl ='https://api.binance.com';

var query ='/api/v3/klines';

query += '?symbol=BTCUSDT&interval=15m&limit=2';

var url = burl + query;

var ourRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();

ourRequest.onload = function(){

I also have a hard-scripted chart from FusionCharts Library. The source code of a chart is here - FusionChart Candlestick Chart

const dataSource = {
chart: {
caption: "Bitcoin Price",
subcaption: "Q4-2017",
numberprefix: "$",
pyaxisname: "Price (USD)",
showvolumechart: "1",
vnumberprefix: "$",
vyaxisname: "Volume traded",
exportenabled: 1,
theme: loadedTheme || ThemeAliases.light
categories: [
  category: [
      label: "Jan",
      x: "1"
      label: "Feb",
      x: "32"
      label: "Mar",
      x: "62"
dataset: [
  data: [
        "<b>Oct 01, 2017</b><br>Open: <b>$openDataValue</b><br>Close: <b>$closeDataValue</b><br>High: <b>$highDataValue</b><br>Low: <b>$lowDataValue</b><br>Volume: <b>$volumeDataValue</b>",
      open: 4341.05,
      high: 4403.74,
      low: 4269.81,
      close: 4403.74,
      volume: 1208210000,
      x: 1
FusionCharts.ready(function() {
var myChart = new FusionCharts({
type: "candlestick",
renderAt: "chart-container",
width: "75%",
height: "100%",
dataFormat: "json",


The result ourRequest.responseText is returned as a string, and not as an array. To fix it, simply use the JSON.parse method. You also store it in a variable, example:

 var burl ='https://api.binance.com'; var query ='/api/v3/klines'; query += '?symbol=BTCUSDT&interval=15m&limit=2'; var url = burl + query; var ourRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); ourRequest.open('GET',url,true); ourRequest.onload = function(){ // Will convert the string to something Javascript can understand var result = JSON.parse(ourRequest.responseText); // You can now use it as an array console.log(result); } ourRequest.send();

Does that answer the question?

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