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How to extract values from a dataframe based on dates?

I have a DataFrame (see image below) with daily values of which I want to retrieve a couple of values. I want to retrieve: Monthly mean, Monthly min, Monthly max, Yearly min, Amount of years etc. Currently I am resampling my DataFrame to retrieve these values (see code below) but there must be a better way.


 T_monthly=pd.DataFrame()                                                   # Create dataframe for monthly temperatures
 T_monthly['Basse']=temp_basse.iloc[:,3].resample("M").mean()               # Add Basse

 T_monthly['Kedougou']=temp_kedougou.iloc[:,3].resample("M").mean()         # Add Kedougou

 T_yearly=pd.DataFrame()                                                    # Create dataframe for yearly temperatures

Preferably I want to have a function where I can put in a date, eg 2014, 2 (Y, M) and retrieve all the necessary values without resampling to new DataFrames. For example:

input: (2014, 2)

output: [monthly mean, monthly min, monthly max, yearly min, yearly max]

At the moment my functions make use of the index number of the dataframes (see below). However, if I want to put in a certain date I first need to find the corresponding index number.

 T_monthly.iloc[i, 3]

Thanks in advance!

Added two more columns after the sugestion of Sowjanya R Bhat, containing ['year'] and ['month']

 df['year'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date']).year
 df['month'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['date']).month

Next selecting data by:

 df.loc[(df['year'] == year) & (df['month'] == month)].iloc[:,3]

Not exactly how I wanted it (based on index), but great for looping through the data with the functions I wrote.

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