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How to position TopLevel Window in Tkinter?

I want to position my Top Level Window just to the right of my Root Window.
Something like this → ❏❏

This is the code for my root window

root = Tk()
root_width = root.winfo_width()
root_height = root.winfo_height()
root_xoffset = root.winfo_x()
root_yoffset = root.winfo_y()

And this the code for my TopLevel window

newWindow = Toplevel(pady=10)

You could use .winfo_x() and .winfo_width() to get the offsetx of the toplevel window. Like:

import tkinter as tk

root = tk.Tk()

root.update() # to get the height and the offset of Tk window
toplevel = tk.Toplevel()
toplevel_offsetx, toplevel_offsety = root.winfo_x() + root.winfo_width(), root.winfo_y()
padx = 0 # the padding you need.
pady = 0
toplevel.geometry(f"+{toplevel_offsetx + padx}+{toplevel_offsety + pady}")

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