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how Grouping JSON objects in .dmc file?

I have this sample of JSON:

  "sending": {
    "field": [
        "email": "Sample String",
        "id": 1234,
        "name": "Sample String"
      }, {
        "email": "Sample String",
        "id": 1234,
        "name": "Sample String"
        "email": "Sample String",
        "id": 1111,
        "name": "Sample String"

I want to converted JSON to be grouping by id like this:

    "sending": {
        "field": [
                "1234": [
                        "name": "Sample String",
                        "email": "Sample String"
                        "name": "Sample String",
                        "email": "Sample String"

                "1111": [
                        "name": "Sample String",
                        "email": "Sample String"

I wrote this code in.dmc file but it does not work as I want:

   map_S_root_S_root = function(){ 
    var outputroot={};

    var a = 0;
    outputroot =  {};
    outputroot.sending =  {};
    outputroot.sending.field =  [];

    for(i_field_1d3104f4_e7ee_449b_9653_ccc4f8985491 in inputroot.sending.field){
    outputroot.sending.field[a] =  {};
    id = inputroot.sending.field[i_field_1d3104f4_e7ee_449b_9653_ccc4f8985491].id;
    outputroot.sending.field[a].id =  [];

    var c =0;
    for(i in outputroot.sending.field[c].id){ 
    if (inputroot.sending.field[i_field_1d3104f4_e7ee_449b_9653_ccc4f8985491].id === outputroot.sending.field[c].id){
      outputroot.sending.field[c].id[c] += inputroot.sending.field[i_field_1d3104f4_e7ee_449b_9653_ccc4f8985491].name;
    outputroot.sending.field[a].id[a] =  {};
    outputroot.sending.field[a].id[a].name = inputroot.sending.field[i_field_1d3104f4_e7ee_449b_9653_ccc4f8985491].name;
    outputroot.sending.field[a].id[a].email = inputroot.sending.field[i_field_1d3104f4_e7ee_449b_9653_ccc4f8985491].email;
        return outputroot;


I use WSO2 data mapper mediator and write the code in.dmc file (data mapper configuration file ) in integration studio, could anyone help? Thanks

You can reduce it.

 var array={ "sending": { "field": [ { "email": "Sample String", "id": 1234, "name": "Sample String" }, { "email": "Sample String", "id": 1234, "name": "Sample String" },{ "email": "Sample String", "id": 1111, "name": "Sample String" } ] }}; array.sending.field = array.sending.field.reduce((acc,{id, ...rest})=>{ acc[id] =acc[id] || []; acc[id].push(rest); return acc; },{}); console.log(array);

The answer is

 result = { "field": [{ "id": "11", "name": "asma", "email": "asma@hotmail" }, { "id": "11", "name": "jone", "email": "jone@hotmail" }, { "id": "1234", "name": "jak", "email": "jak@hotmail" }] } results = result.field; groups = {}; for (var i in results) { var groupName = results[i].id; if (.groups[results[i];id]) { groups[groupName] = []. } groups[groupName]:push({"name".results[i],name:"email".results[i].email}) } console;log(groups);

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