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How to deserialize this type of Json to C# object


} I want to deserialize this json to C# object. But this json contains different Prices array (2 in this case) but when I am deserializing I am getting only one Price array. This is not a complete json I have given here (I have removed some parts because json is too long)

while it is not the most elegant solution this can solve your problem. And with a bit of work it can be generalized if you need.

    private string fix(string Json, string JsonKey)
        string Key = "\"" + JsonKey + "\":";
        Regex r = new Regex(Key);
        int i = 0;
        while (Json.Contains(Key)) {
            string NewKey = Key.Replace("\":", i.ToString().Trim() + "\":");
            Json = r.Replace(Json, NewKey, 1);
        return Json;

Similarly, you could consider merging all lists under the given key. To have only 1 price list.


ps: Generalizing this to correct any arbitrary duplicate key at the same section, requires that you keep track of the sections... Which would be a rather painful procedure. So if it is only Prices that causes you the problem and it doesnt appear elsewhere as a key this is a an easy simple fix;-)

ps2: Ohh in case it was not clear... I replace each "Key" to "Key0", "Key1" etc... When you deserialize you should make a code that checks all entries and probably in your case merge them.

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