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Validate JSON with json schema is failing

Hi I need to do a school assigement with a API thats generating json.

I get with $API my json. With some testing by myself I can say that the json is correct. But in the assigement it says I need to validate it with a json schema. I have the schema but I cant get it to work so it will check and validate the incomming json.

If someone sees the problem pls tell me because I cant find it.

                    //Json gets validated
                            <script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/validate.js/0.13.1/validate.min.js">
                            var validator = require('validator');
                            var jsv = require('json-validator');
                            jsv.validate("<?php echo $API; ?>", "json_schema.json", function(err, messages)) {
                                        throw err;
                                        $.getJSON("<?php echo $API; ?>", function(data) 
                                            var items = [];
                                            $.each(data, function(key, val, val2) {
                                                items.push("<li id='" + key + "'>" + val["COL 3"] + "</li>");

                                            $("<ul/>", {
                                                "class": "my-new-list",
                                                html: items.join("")

Replace both <?php echo $API; ?> <?php echo $API; ?> by <?php echo str_replace('"', '\\"', $API); ?> <?php echo str_replace('"', '\\"', $API); ?> .

Even better, you could have this process once and then echo the escaped string:

    // Json gets validated
    if (isset($API))
        // escape your JSON string
        $escapedAPI = str_replace('"', '\\"', $API);


        <!-- echo the escaped string -->
        <?php echo $escapedAPI; ?>



The issue you're facing is that currenty, when PHP echo the JSON in your Javascript, it produces something like this:

jsv.validate("[{"COL 3":"(APPLAUSE)"}, ... ]", "json_schema.json", function() { ... })

As you can see, the " from the Javascript are mixed with the one "echoed" which produce invalid Javascript. This is why you need to escape them before "echoing" your JSON.

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