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How to initialize whole array to single element in class constructor in c++

Hi I am looking to initalize whole array to single element in constructor of class.I have tried this solution but I am getting this errror.

1>C:\Users\Ahmad Mustafa Anis\source\repos\ciruclar queue\Source.cpp(8,8): error C2590: 'sig': only a constructor can have a base/member initializer list
1>Done building project "ciruclar queue.vcxproj" -- FAILED.

My code is

class CircularQueue {
    int dataItems[10];
    sig() : dataItems{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} { }


I have Visual Studio 2019, I guess c++ version in it is cpp17. If there is someway I can add a constructor and assign whole array to 0 without for loop or explicitly element by element, like this constructor

CircularQueue() {
        dataItems = { 0 };

or this one

CircularQueue() {
        dataItems =  0 ;

In both case my error is

error C3863: array type 'int [10]' is not assignable

If you want to initialize all values with 0

CircularQueue() : dataItems{} {}


CircularQueue() : dataItems{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} {}

If the array is too long, you can do this. It is not initializing . It's assigning after initialization.

CircularQueue() {
    std::fill(dataItems, dataItems+10, 3); //3 for example

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