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Converting a JSON file into Python Objects

I have a JSON file which I want to take and put into python objects. It has two parts, staff and assets and I want to load them into two separate ones. Here is a sample of the JSON file:

"staff": [
        "id": "DA7153",
        "name": [
        "department": {
            "name": "Admin"
        "server_admin": "true"
        "id": "DA7356",
        "name": [
        "department": {
            "name": "Admin"
        "server_admin": "false"
"assets": [
        "asset_name": "ENGAGED SLOTH",
        "asset_type": "File",
        "owner": "DA8333",
        "details": {
            "security": {
                "cia": [
                "data_categories": {
                    "Personal": "true",
                    "Personal Sensitive": "true",
                    "Customer Sensitive": "true"
            "retention": 2
        "file_type": "Document",
        "server": {
            "server_name": "ISOLATED UGUISU",
            "ip": [
        "asset_name": "ISOLATED VIPER",
        "asset_type": "File",
        "owner": "DA8262",
        "details": {
            "security": {
                "cia": [
                "data_categories": {
                    "Personal": "false",
                    "Personal Sensitive": "false",
                    "Customer Sensitive": "true"
            "retention": 2

I have tried to create a class for staff but whenever I do I get the error "TypeError: dict expected at most 1 argument, got 3"

The code I am using looks like this:

import json

with open('Admin_sample.json') as f:
    admin_json = json.load(f)

class staffmem(admin_json):
    def __init__(self, id, name, department, server_admin):
        self.id = id
        self.name = name
        self.deparment = department[name]
        self.server_admin = server_admin

    def staffid(self):
        return self.id


I just can't work it out. Any help would be appreciated.


The following should be a good starting point but you have to fix few things. Note that I am using get() everywhere to provide a "safe" default if the keys do not exist:

import json

class StaffMember:
    def __init__(self, json_entry):
        self.name = ",".join(json_entry.get("name"))
        self.id = json_entry.get("id")
        self.dept = json_entry.get("department", {}).get("name")
        self.server_admin = (
            if json_entry.get("server_admin", "false").lower() == "true"
            else False

# Get the data
with open("/tmp/test.data") as f:
    data = json.load(f)

# For every entry in the data["staff"] create object and index them by ID
all_staff = {}
for json_entry in data.get("staff", []):
    tmp = StaffMember(json_entry)
    all_staff[tmp.id] = tmp



$ python3 /tmp/test.py
{'DA7153': <__main__.StaffMember object at 0x1097b2d50>, 'DA7356': <__main__.StaffMember object at 0x1097b2d90>}

Potential Improvements:

  • Unicode handling
  • Add getters/setters
  • Instead of passing json dict in ctor, consider adding a from_json() static method to create your object
  • Error handling on missing values
  • Consider using a dataclass in py3 if this object is used to only/mainly store data
  • Consider the namedtuple approach from the comments if you do not intend to modify the object (read-only)


  • The json you provided is not correct - you will need to fix it
  • Your syntax is wrong in your example and the naming convention is not much pythonic (read more here

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