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Converting objects in file to json in python

I have a file with multiple objects like this:

    name: (sindey, crosby)
    game: "Hockey"
    type: athlete
    name: (wayne, gretzky)
    game: "Ice Hockey"
    type: athlete

...and I'd like to convert them to JSON format and output this:

        "name": "(sindey, crosby)",
        "game": "Hockey",
        "type": "athlete"
        "name": "(wayne, gretzky)",
        "game": "Ice Hockey",
        "type": "athlete"

If the input was in this format,

 name: (sidney, crosby) | game:"Hockey" |  type:athlete 
 name: (wayne, gretzky) | game:"Ice Hockey" |  type:athlete

I could implement using json dump with list and dict and it gives me the desired output

import json

f = open("log.file", "r")
content = f.read()
splitcontent = content.splitlines()

d = []
for v in splitcontent:
    l = v.split(' | ')
    d.append(dict(s.split(':',1) for s in l))

with open("json_log.json", 'w') as file:
    file.write((json.dumps(d, indent=4, sort_keys= False)))

How can I reformat this code to convert my input to JSON format?

Something like this will probably work for most cases - you just have to handle the lines with curly braces separately from the lines with data:

import json

f = open("log.file", "r")
content = f.read()
splitcontent = content.splitlines()

d = []
appendage = {}
for line in splitcontent:
    if ('}' in line) or ('{' in line):
        # Append a just-created record and start a new one
        if appendage:
        appendage ={}
        key, val = line.split(':',1)
        if val.endswith(','):
            # strip a trailing comma
            val = val[:-1]
        appendage[key] = val

with open("json_log.json", 'w') as file:
    file.write((json.dumps(d, indent=4, sort_keys= False)))

I might also have some typos in there...

With slight changes on the answer given by @sarah Messer. Changes involved

lines without the : separator skipped

Try this

import json

f = open("log.file", "r")
content = f.read()
splitcontent = content.splitlines()

d = []
appendage = {}
for line in splitcontent:

    if ('}' in line) or ('{' in line) or ('{' in line) or ('}' in line):
        # Append a just-created record and start a new one
        if appendage:
            appendage = {}

    key, val = line.split(':')

    if val.endswith(','):
        # strip a trailing comma
        val = val[:-1]
    # if val == "":
    #     pass
    # else:
    appendage[key] = val

with open("json_log.json", 'w') as file:
    file.write((json.dumps(d, indent=4, sort_keys=False)))

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