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Query return result in SSMS but not in C#

My database developer gave me a SQL query and it runs successfully in SSMS.

USE testdb 

     pipeline         VARCHAR(4000), 
     unitcode         VARCHAR(4000), 
     designareanumber VARCHAR(4000), 
     nameofnote       VARCHAR(4000) 

INSERT INTO @Pipeline 
SELECT pipeline, 
FROM   (SELECT pp.oid               AS OID, 
               nmpp.itemname        AS ItemName, 
               nmpl.itemname        AS Pipeline, 
               tn.trainnumber       AS TrainNumber, 
               uc.unitcode          AS UnitCode,                  

        FROM   jrtepipepart pp 
               JOIN jnameditem nmpp 
                 ON pp.oid = nmpp.oid 
               JOIN xcontainsnote xcn 
                 ON pp.oid = xcn.oidorigin 

        WHERE  gn.text <> '' 
               AND ( nmpps.itemname = 'Piping_New' 
                      OR nmpps.itemname = 'Piping_Modified/Tie_In' ) 
        --where gn.Text like '%000002A_TP08' AND (nmpps.ItemName = 'Piping_New' OR nmpps.ItemName = 'Piping_Modified/Tie_In')
        UNION ALL 
        SELECT hs.oid               AS OID, 
               nmhs.itemname        AS ItemName, 
               nmpl.itemname        AS Pipeline, 
               tn.trainnumber       AS TrainNumber, 
               uc.unitcode          AS UnitCode,                    
        FROM   jhgrsupport hs 
               JOIN jnameditem nmhs 
                 ON hs.oid = nmhs.oid                                       
        WHERE  gn.text <> '' 
               AND ( nmpps.itemname = 'Piping_New' 
                      OR nmpps.itemname = 'Piping_Modified/Tie_In' ))A     
SELECT pipeline, 
       ( Stuff((SELECT Cast('; ' + nameofnote AS VARCHAR(max)) 
                FROM   @Pipeline p2 
                WHERE  ( p2.pipeline = p1.pipeline 
                         AND p2.unitcode = p1.unitcode 
                         AND p2.designareanumber = p1.designareanumber 
                         AND nameofnote NOT IN ( 'Note 1', '' ) ) 
                FOR xml path ('')), 1, 2, '') ) AS NameOfNote 
FROM   @Pipeline p1 
WHERE  nameofnote NOT IN ( 'Note 1', '' ) 
GROUP  BY pipeline, 

When I run above query in OleDbDataAdapter it return 0 rows. I have tried adding SET NOCOUNT ON at start of the query but not working. I have increased set-timeout property.

Removed USE testdb , added SET NOCOUNT ON and added database name before table names resolved this issue.

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