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Need to add some values to a Dropdown list in a form --

I have a custom list Sections that has values based on a date range. I have a contact list that will be a list of individuals and has a Sections lookup in this custom list. I want the dropdown for the Sections lookup only display those values that are within today's date.

I have code to remove the values (There is probably a better way, I'm walking through them), then I have code that will look up the list and find the appropriate values that are "current".

I don't know how to add these values to the Dropdown. All of my code works, but need the details to add the appropriate values to the dropdown.

<script type="text/javascript">  
$(document).ready(function() {
   //don't exectute any jsom until sp.js file has loaded.          
   SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', GetSections);

function GetSections()
  var dtToday = new Date((new Date()).getFullYear(), (new Date()).getMonth(), (new Date()).getDate() );
  // Remove all values from Section
    $("select[title='Section'] option").each(function(){
   var ctx = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
   var list = ctx.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('Sections');
   var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
   var collListItems = list.getItems(camlQuery)
                        var swListItms = collListItems.getEnumerator();
                        while (swListItms.moveNext())
                            var swItm = swListItms.get_current();
                            var itmSDt = swItm.get_item("BeginDate");
                            var itmEDt = swItm.get_item("EndDate");
                            var quest = swItm.get_item("Title");
                            if((dtToday >= itmSDt) && (dtToday <= itmEDt))
                               $("select[title='Section'] option").prepend('<option value="" selected="selected">--select--</option>')
                            } //else {
             console.log("Request Failed."+args.get_message() + "\n" + args.get_stackTrace());


Thank you in advance.

Modify the code snippet as below:

<script type="text/javascript">  
$(document).ready(function() {
   //don't exectute any jsom until sp.js file has loaded.          
   SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', GetSections);

function GetSections()
  var dtToday = new Date((new Date()).getFullYear(), (new Date()).getMonth(), (new Date()).getDate() );
  // Remove all values from Section
    $("select[title='Section'] option").each(function(){

   var ctx = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
   var list = ctx.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle('Sections');
   var camlQuery = new SP.CamlQuery();
   var collListItems = list.getItems(camlQuery)
                        $("select[title='Section']").prepend('<option value="" selected="selected">--select--</option>')
                        var swListItms = collListItems.getEnumerator();
                        while (swListItms.moveNext())
                            var swItm = swListItms.get_current();
                            var itmSDt = swItm.get_item("BeginDate");
                            var itmEDt = swItm.get_item("EndDate");
                            var quest = swItm.get_item("Title");

                            if((dtToday >= itmSDt) && (dtToday <= itmEDt))
                               $("select[title='Section']").append("<option value='"+quest+"'>"+quest+"</option>")

             console.log("Request Failed."+args.get_message() + "\n" + args.get_stackTrace());

<select title="Section"></select>


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