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Tkinter-Python rotate image animation while button is pressed

I'm trying to animate an image while a button is pressed, otherwise the image will stop

import time
import tkinter
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from gpiozero import Button
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
sensor = Button(11)

class SimpleApp(object):
    def __init__(self, master, filename, **kwargs):
        self.master = master
        self.filename = filename
        self.canvas = tkinter.Canvas(master, width=500, height=500)
        self.process_next_frame = self.draw().__next__  
        master.after(1, self.process_next_frame)

    def draw(self):

        image = Image.open(self.filename)
        angle = 0
        while (sensor.is_pressed):
            tkimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image.rotate(angle))
            canvas_obj = self.canvas.create_image(250, 250, image=tkimage)
            angle += 1
            angle %= 360

root = tkinter.Tk()
app = SimpleApp(root, 'load.png')

If the while is set as True the image automatically starts rotating but if I add the sensor.is_pressed the image doesn´t appears. Also I try moving the while before angle +=1 but the image only appears and never starts moving even if I press the button

I'm trying to animate an image while a button is pressed, otherwise the image will stop

import time
import tkinter
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
from gpiozero import Button
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
sensor = Button(11)

class SimpleApp(object):
    def __init__(self, master, filename, **kwargs):
        self.master = master
        self.filename = filename
        self.canvas = tkinter.Canvas(master, width=500, height=500)
        self.process_next_frame = self.draw().__next__  
        master.after(1, self.process_next_frame)

    def draw(self):

        image = Image.open(self.filename)
        angle = 0
        while (sensor.is_pressed):
            tkimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image.rotate(angle))
            canvas_obj = self.canvas.create_image(250, 250, image=tkimage)
            angle += 1
            angle %= 360

root = tkinter.Tk()
app = SimpleApp(root, 'load.png')

If the while is set as True the image automatically starts rotating but if I add the sensor.is_pressed the image doesn´t appears. Also I try moving the while before angle +=1 but the image only appears and never starts moving even if I press the button

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