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Tables from H2DB file doesn't appear in IDEA, but shows in H2 console

I have some simple Spring Boot project with H2db file with location./dbs/database.mv.db (./ from my project's dir). application.properties is:


# Enabling H2 Console
# Custom H2 Console URL

So, Spring Boot App got it and can manipulate with table in it, stores data in DB file. Console by localhost:8080/h2 show it too. But I have problem with IDEA: IDEA got connection only by absolute name (Embedded source with url jdbc:h2:~/Documents/projects/java/seccomp/dbs/database;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE). But in this case IDEA show me no tables at all. I'm confused, probably App creates some table in target directory? No, if I have removed my mv.db file from.dbs/ it will create again after data manipulation from Application.

Why Application and H2 Console show me tables, but IDEA doesn't?

With the ./dbs/database;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE you are specifying the path to a database file which is resolved relative to the corrent working direcrory where you program is run. With the ~/Documents/projects/java/seccomp/dbs/database - you are specifying it relatively you user home. Make sure you are actually specifying the same path in these both cases.

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