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Unexpected solution using JiTCDDE

I'm trying to investigate the behavior of the following Delayed Differential Equation using Python:

y''(t) = -y(t)/τ^2 - 2y'(t)/τ - Nd*f(y(t-T))/τ^2,

where f is a cut-off function which is essentially equal to the identity when the absolute value of its argument is between 1 and 10 and otherwise is equal to 0 (see figure 1), and Nd , τ and T are constants.

图 1:函数 f 的图

For this I'm using the package JiTCDDE. This provides a reasonable solution to the above equation. Nevertheless, when I try to add a noise on the right hand side of the equation, I obtain a solution which stabilize to a non-zero constant after a few oscillations. This is not a mathematical solution of the equation (the only possible constant solution being equal to zero). I don't understand why this problem arises and if it is possible to solve it.

I reproduce my code below. Here, for the sake of simplicity, I substituted the noise with an high-frequency cosine, which is introduced in the system of equation as the initial condition for a dummy variable (the cosine could have been introduced directly in the system, but for a general noise this doesn't seem possible). To simplify further the problem, I removed also the term involving the f function, as the problem arises also without it. Figure 2 shows the plot of the function given by the code.

图 2:代码给出的解决方案图

from jitcdde import jitcdde, y, t
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import math
from chspy import CubicHermiteSpline

# Definition of function f:
def functionf(x):
    return x/4*(1+symengine.erf(x**2-Bmin**2))*(1-symengine.erf(x**2-Bmax**2))

τ = 42.9
T = 35.33
Nd = 8.32

# Definition of the initial conditions:
dt = .01  # Time step.
totT = 10000.  # Total time.
Nmax = int(totT / dt)  # Number of time steps.
Vt = np.linspace(0., totT, Nmax)  # Vector of times.

# Definition of the "noise"
X = np.zeros(Nmax)
for i in range(Nmax):
for time, datum in zip(Vt,X):
    regular_past = [10.,0.]
noise= lambda t: y(2,t-totT)

# Integration of the DDE
g = [

DDE = jitcdde(g) 

data = []
for time in np.arange(DDE.t, DDE.t+totT, 1):
    data.append( DDE.integrate(time)[0] )


Incidentally, I noticed that even without noise, the solution seems to be discontinuous at the point zero (y is set to be equal to zero for negative times), and I don't understand why.

As the comments unveiled, your problem eventually boiled down to this:

step_on_discontinuities assumes delays that are small with respect to the integration time and performs steps that are placed on those times where the delayed components points to the integration start ( 0 in your case). This way initial discontinuities are handled.

However, implementing an input with a delayed dummy variable introduces a large delay into the system, totT in your case. The respective step for step_on_discontinuities would be at totT itself, ie, after the desired integration time. Thus when you reach for time in np.arange(DDE.t, DDE.t+totT, 1): in your code, DDE.t is totT . Therefore you have made a big step before you actually start integrating and observing which may seem like a discontinuity and lead to weird results, in particular you do not see the effect of your input, because it has already “ended” at this point. To avoid this, use adjust_diff or integrate_blindly instead of step_on_discontinuities .

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