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Why does Entity Framework add a related record even if it already exists in the database?

Why does Entity Framework add a related record even if it already exists in the database? It should just update the junction table in this case)?

I am working with Entity Framework 6, I have a many-to-many relationship between Directors and Movies . I want to post a new movie using a Dto called MovieUpdateDto . Movie class has a property of type ICollection<Directors> Directors .

The json that represents the Dto looks like this:

    "Name": "new movie",
    "Description": "new movie Description",
    "Price": 1000.0,
    "Directors": [{"Id": 11, "Name": "Coco"}, {"Id": "12", "Name": "Jambo"}]

The problem with the Post is that it doesn't work as expected when inserting a movie with one or more existing directors (that have already been added to the db). In such cases, those directors are readded to the db.

As a side note, EF implicitly adds the directors as new records in the Directors table when I add the movies dto with directors information, and also implicitly takes care of the junction table MoviesDirectors .

Here is my first attempt:

// POST: api/movies
public void Post([FromBody] MovieUpdateDto movie) 
    var bookToInsert = Mapper.Map<Movie>(movie);

    foreach (var director in movieToInsert.Directors)
        var existingDirector = _unitOfWork.Directors.Find(d => d.Id == director.Id);
        if (existingDirector.Any())
            // don't add director again to the database, but do add (directorId, bookId) in the MoviesDirectors junction table. 
            // How do I reference the junction table though? Should this work somehow without referencing the juntion table? 


The junction table called MoviesDirectors is autogenerated by EF when setting the right configurations. More precisely, in the MovieConfiguration class, I have:

HasMany(c => c.Directors)
    .WithMany(t => t.Movies)
    .Map(m =>
        m.ToTable("MoviesDirectors"); // a way to overwrite the name that EF gives this table

which automatically creates MoviesDirectors .

For your second attempt you can do just foreach (var director in movieToInsert.Directors.ToList()) , but I would recommend just to check the director.Id to be not a default value ( 0 or Guid.Empty ) and if it is not - using Attach :

foreach (var director in movieToInsert.Directors)
    if (director.Id > 0)

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