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LIKE Query on Postgres JSON array field in Rails

I have a table called messages which has a jsonB column called headers to store message headers. It looks like this:

         "value":"\"abc@gmail.com\" <abc@gmail.com>",
                     "raw":"\"abc@gmail.com\" <abc@gmail.com>",


      "unparsed_value":"\"abc@gmail.com\" <abc@gmail.com>"
         "value":"Re: test email",

      "unparsed_value":"Re: test email"

I want search records where 'name' = 'Subject' and 'unparsed_value' like %test% and return the result in Rails 6.0.2?

I'm trying the below mention code:

messages.where("headers @> '[{\"name\": \"Subject\"}, {\"unparsed_value\" LIKE \"%test%\"}]'")

But it's throwing error!

You can do a sub query to get the elements you need to compare and then use them in the where clause:

      jsonb_array_elements(headers)->>'unparsed_value' AS unparsed_value,
      jsonb_array_elements(headers)->>'name' AS name
    "), :t
  .where("t.name = 'Subject' AND t.unparsed_value LIKE '%test%'")

The query you need looks like this:

  (SELECT true FROM jsonb_to_recordset(messages.headers)
    AS x(name text, field jsonb)
    WHERE name = 'Subject'
    AND field->>'unparsed_value' LIKE '%test%');

Does this give you the result you're looking for?

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