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implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters

I am using xampp in linux(ubuntu).I have installed php7.4 and php5.6,I switch the php version as per project.This particular error I got is in laravel project(version 5.5) when I tried to upload data.I have updated "fzaninotto/faker" as well.The project was running well in my previous os(windows) and now in linux it is showing this error.If it is due to php version then I switched to 5.6 version as well but error is same.


implode changed in php7.4

Changelog php7.4 函数内爆

Before php7.4 you could have the order of parameters be in any order.

The only way to have this error thrown is if you are using php >= 7.4

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