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How to combine more than one column values into single value as a comma separated string in Oracle SQL (Oracle Forms 12c)

I have a table named Data as below

g_name    g_id      v_data    
-----     ----      ------
Test      123        ABC
Test      123        DEG
Test      123        None
Test      123        
Test      123        HIJ

I want one select query which returns me values like below(in Oracle Database):

  • LISTAGG() function is not working in Oracle Forms Builder 12c .

  • There may be more than 3 columns. Thus, I need a dynamic way in order to combine all columns together.

Can someone help me out here?

You can concat the values:

select g_name || ',' || g_id || ',' || v_data 
from t

Please perform concatenation

select g_name||','||g_id||','||v_data from data;

You can write a dynamic query in plsql and achieve this.

select LISTAGG(column_name, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY column_name) as colum_name from cols where table_name = 'DATA'; 

Pass this result to a column using into clause.

If you have an option to create a function in your database, perhaps you can retrieve the result of the function as the query you want to execute

Let me show you an example:

1.I create a table with 6 columns.

 create table test.mytest ( c1 number, c2 number , c3 number, c4 varchar2(10) , c5 number, c6 number );

2.I create a function to retrieve the query ( or you can invoke as an anonymus plsql block )

create or replace function test.p_gen_query ( powner in varchar2 , ptable in varchar2, p_pretty in varchar2 default 'N' )
 return clob
 vowner     varchar2(40)  := upper(powner);
 vtable     varchar2(128) := upper(ptable);
 vconta     pls_integer;
 vsql       clob;
 out_string varchar2(128);
 cursor c_tab_columns
 select column_name, count(*) over () tot_rows
 from all_tab_columns where table_name = vtable and owner = vowner
 order by column_id;
 vsql := ' select ' ;
 for item in c_tab_columns
 out_string := item.COLUMN_NAME;
 if c_tab_columns%rowcount = 1 then
 dbms_lob.append(vsql,out_string||' || '','' || ');
 elsif c_tab_columns%rowcount < item.tot_rows then
 dbms_lob.append(vsql,out_string||' || '','' || ');
 dbms_lob.append(vsql,out_string||' from '||vowner||'.'||vtable||' ');
 end if;
 end loop;
 if p_pretty = 'Y'
   dbms_lob.append(vsql,' ; ');
 end if;
 return vsql;

3.Call the function with p_pretty as 'N' ( retrieves the query without sql terminator )

SQL> set long 99999999 longchunksize 9999 lines 9999 pages 0
SQL> select test.p_gen_query ( 'TEST' , 'MYTEST' ) from dual ;

 select C1 || ',' || C2 || ',' || C3 || ',' || C4 || ',' || C5 || ',' || C6 from TEST.MYTEST

4.Call the function with p_pretty as 'Y' to get it with sql terminator

 SQL> select test.p_gen_query ( 'TEST' , 'MYTEST' , 'Y' ) from dual ;
 select C1 || ',' || C2 || ',' || C3 || ',' || C4 || ',' || C5 || ',' || C6 from TEST.MYTEST

This way you can use it for any query you want to build in that way. I guess you can retrieve the result from Oracle Forms.

First of all, you need a primary key column ( call id which I asssume as the first column within the columns list ) for the table.

Then you need to create a stored function which contains both LISTAGG() function, which will be used to combine column names derived from one of the dictionary views giving column names such as user_tab_columns , user_tab_cols or just col through concatenetion, and Dynamic Query returning the concatenated columns for each id value.

So, create the function within the database by;

  v_out   VARCHAR2(32767); 
  SELECT LISTAGG(column_name, '|| '','' ||') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY column_id)
    INTO v_out
    FROM cols 
   WHERE table_name = 'DATA'
     AND column_id > 1; 
  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'SELECT '||v_out||' FROM Data WHERE id = :v_id' INTO v_out USING i_id; 
  RETURN v_out;


And call from Forms as a regular query statement:

SELECT id, get_value( id ) AS value
  FROM Data 


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