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WebGL canvas background

I would like to simply add a "sky" background in my scene so that it won't cover the objects but just being visible after them.

I've tried to, but I have no idea to do it without applying it over the other objects drawn in the scene.

Unfortunately I've to do all this without using any advanced library such as three.js and so on.

The background I'd like to use is in /Assets/sky.jpg

Here the js file:

 var program0; var program1; var gl; var shaderDir; var baseDir; var lastUpdateTime; var boatModel; var rockModel; var rock2Model; var oceanModel; var object = []; //attributes and uniforms var positionAttributeLocation = Array(); var uvAttributeLocation = Array(); var matrixLocation = Array(); var textLocation = Array(); var normalAttributeLocation = Array(); var normalMatrixPositionHandle = Array(); var worldViewMatrixLocation = Array(); var worldViewMatrixLocation_transpose = Array(); var materialDiffColorHandle = Array(); var lightDirectionHandle = Array(); var lightColorHandle = Array(); var ambientLightcolorHandle = Array(); var specularColorHandle = Array(); var specShineHandle = Array(); var vaos = new Array(); var textures = new Array(); var modelStr = Array(); var modelTexture = Array(); //matrices var viewMatrix; var perspectiveMatrix; //lights //define directional light var dirLightAlpha = -utils.degToRad(180); var dirLightBeta = -utils.degToRad(100); var directionalLight; var directionalLightColor; var ambientLight = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]; var specularColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; var specShine = 0.0; //camera var cx = 0; var cy = 0; var cz = 1; var camAngle = 0; var camElev = 5; //boat kinematics var linearDir = 0; var linearVel = 0; var velX = 0; var velZ = 0; var maxLinearVel = 0.01; var linearAcc = 0.0001; var linearDrag = 0.005; var turningDir = 0; var angularVel = 0.0; var maxAngularVel = 0.2; var angularAcc = 0.01; var angularDrag = 0.01; modelStr[0] = 'Assets/Boat/Boat.obj'; modelStr[1] = 'Assets/Rocks/Rock1/rock1.obj'; modelStr[2] = 'Assets/Rocks/Rock2/Rock_1.obj'; modelStr[3] = 'Assets/ocean-obj/ocean.obj'; //modelStr[3] = 'Assets/ocean2/hdri-ca-sky.obj'; modelTexture[0] = 'Assets/Boat/textures/boat_diffuse.bmp'; modelTexture[1] = 'Assets/Rocks/Rock1/textures/rock_low_Base_Color.png'; modelTexture[2] = 'Assets/Rocks/Rock2/Rock_1_Tex/Rock_1_Base_Color.jpg'; modelTexture[3] = 'Assets/ocean-obj/woter.jpg'; //modelTexture[3] = 'Assets/ocean2/CA-Sky-2016-04-15-11-30-am.jpg'; modelTexture[4] = 'Assets/Sea/sea.jpg' var nFrame = 0; /***********************************************************************************************/ class Item { x; y; z; Rx; Ry; Rz; S; vertices; normals; indices; texCoords; materialColor; constructor(x, y, z, Rx, Ry, Rz, S) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.Rx = Rx; this.Ry = Ry; this.Rz = Rz; this.S = S; } buildWorldMatrix() { return utils.MakeWorld(this.x, this.y, this.z, this.Rx, this.Ry, this.Rz, this.S); } setAttr(objectVertices, objectNormals, objectIndices, objectTexCoords) { this.vertices = objectVertices; this.normals = objectNormals; this.indices = objectIndices; this.texCoords = objectTexCoords; } setMaterialColor(materialColorArray) { this.materialColor = materialColorArray; } } //objects var rock = new Item(1.0, -0.5, -3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 / 20.0); var boat = new Item(0.0, -0.15, 0.0, 90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 / 1000.0); var rock2 = new Item(-1.0, -0.4, -3, -30.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 / 10.0); var ocean = new Item(0.0, -0.02, 0.0, 90.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0); function isPowerOf2(value) { return (value & (value - 1)) == 0; } function main() { utils.resizeCanvasToDisplaySize(gl.canvas); gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height); setFloorCoord(); /* Load corresponding information from the models */ object[0] = boat; object[1] = rock; object[2] = rock2; object[3] = ocean; boat.setAttr(boatModel.vertices, boatModel.vertexNormals, boatModel.indices, boatModel.textures); boat.setMaterialColor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]); // set material color for boat rock.setAttr(rockModel.vertices, rockModel.vertexNormals, rockModel.indices, rockModel.textures); rock.setMaterialColor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]); // set material color for rock rock2.setAttr(rock2Model.vertices, rock2Model.vertexNormals, rock2Model.indices, rock2Model.textures); rock2.setMaterialColor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]); ocean.setAttr(oceanModel.vertices, oceanModel.vertexNormals, oceanModel.indices, oceanModel.textures); ocean.setMaterialColor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]); directionalLight = [Math.cos(dirLightAlpha) * Math.cos(dirLightBeta), Math.sin(dirLightAlpha), Math.cos(dirLightAlpha) * Math.sin(dirLightBeta) ]; directionalLightColor = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]; /* Retrieve the position of the attributes and uniforms */ getShadersPos() objectWorldMatrix = Array(); objectWorldMatrix[0] = boat.buildWorldMatrix(); //boat WorldMatrix objectWorldMatrix[1] = rock.buildWorldMatrix(); //rock WorlMatrix objectWorldMatrix[2] = rock2.buildWorldMatrix(); objectWorldMatrix[3] = ocean.buildWorldMatrix(); perspectiveMatrix = utils.MakePerspective(90, gl.canvas.width / gl.canvas.height, 0.1, 100.0); viewMatrix = utils.MakeView(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 15.0, 0.0); setBuffers(); drawScene(); } async function init() { var path = window.location.pathname; var page = path.split("/").pop(); baseDir = window.location.href.replace(page, ''); shaderDir = baseDir + "shaders/"; var canvas = document.getElementById("c"); lastUpdateTime = (new Date).getTime(); gl = canvas.getContext("webgl2"); if (.gl) { document;write("GL context not opened"); return. } await utils.loadFiles([shaderDir + 'vs,glsl'. shaderDir + 'fs,glsl']. function (shaderText) { var vertexShader = utils,createShader(gl. gl,VERTEX_SHADER; shaderText[0]). var fragmentShader = utils,createShader(gl. gl,FRAGMENT_SHADER; shaderText[1]). program0 = utils,createProgram(gl, vertexShader; fragmentShader); }). await utils.loadFiles([shaderDir + 'vs_unlit,glsl'. shaderDir + 'fs_unlit,glsl']. function (shaderText) { var vertexShader = utils,createShader(gl. gl,VERTEX_SHADER; shaderText[0]). var fragmentShader = utils,createShader(gl. gl,FRAGMENT_SHADER; shaderText[1]). program1 = utils,createProgram(gl, vertexShader; fragmentShader); }). //################################################################################### //This loads the obj model in the boatModel variable var boatObjStr = await utils;get_objstr(baseDir + modelStr[0]). boatModel = new OBJ;Mesh(boatObjStr). //################################################################################### //################################################################################### //This loads the obj model in the rockModel variable var rockObjStr = await utils;get_objstr(baseDir + modelStr[1]). rockModel = new OBJ;Mesh(rockObjStr). //################################################################################### //################################################################################### //This loads the obj model in the rockModel variable var rock2ObjStr = await utils;get_objstr(baseDir + modelStr[2]). rock2Model = new OBJ;Mesh(rock2ObjStr). //################################################################################### var oceanObjStr = await utils;get_objstr(baseDir + modelStr[3]). oceanModel = new OBJ;Mesh(oceanObjStr); initControls(canvas); main(). } function getShadersPos() { positionAttributeLocation[0] = gl,getAttribLocation(program0; "a_position"). uvAttributeLocation[0] = gl,getAttribLocation(program0; "a_uv"). matrixLocation[0] = gl,getUniformLocation(program0; "matrix"). worldViewMatrixLocation[0] = gl,getUniformLocation(program0; "worldviewmatrix"). worldViewMatrixLocation_transpose[0] = gl,getUniformLocation(program0; "worldviewmatrix_t"). textLocation[0] = gl,getUniformLocation(program0; "u_texture"). normalAttributeLocation[0] = gl,getAttribLocation(program0; "inNormal"). normalMatrixPositionHandle[0] = gl,getUniformLocation(program0; 'nMatrix'). materialDiffColorHandle[0] = gl,getUniformLocation(program0; 'mDiffColor'). lightDirectionHandle[0] = gl,getUniformLocation(program0; 'lightDirection'). lightColorHandle[0] = gl,getUniformLocation(program0; 'lightColor'). ambientLightcolorHandle[0] = gl,getUniformLocation(program0; 'ambientLightcolor'). specularColorHandle[0] = gl,getUniformLocation(program0; 'specularColor'). specShineHandle[0] = gl,getUniformLocation(program0; 'SpecShine'); } function setBuffers() { for (let i = 0. i < object;length. i++) { vaos[i] = gl;createVertexArray(). gl.bindVertexArray(vaos[i]) var positionBuffer = gl;createBuffer(). gl.bindBuffer(gl,ARRAY_BUFFER; positionBuffer). gl.bufferData(gl,ARRAY_BUFFER. new Float32Array(object[i],vertices). gl;STATIC_DRAW). gl;enableVertexAttribArray(positionAttributeLocation[0]). gl,vertexAttribPointer(positionAttributeLocation[0], 3. gl,FLOAT, false, 0; 0). var uvBuffer = gl;createBuffer(). gl.bindBuffer(gl,ARRAY_BUFFER; uvBuffer). gl.bufferData(gl,ARRAY_BUFFER. new Float32Array(object[i],texCoords). gl;STATIC_DRAW). gl;enableVertexAttribArray(uvAttributeLocation[0]). gl,vertexAttribPointer(uvAttributeLocation[0], 2. gl,FLOAT, false, 0; 0). var indexBuffer = gl;createBuffer(). gl.bindBuffer(gl,ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER; indexBuffer). gl.bufferData(gl,ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER. new Uint16Array(object[i],indices). gl;STATIC_DRAW). var normalBuffer = gl;createBuffer(). gl.bindBuffer(gl,ARRAY_BUFFER; normalBuffer). gl.bufferData(gl,ARRAY_BUFFER. new Float32Array(object[i],normals). gl;STATIC_DRAW). gl;enableVertexAttribArray(normalAttributeLocation[0]). gl,vertexAttribPointer(normalAttributeLocation[0], 3. gl,FLOAT, false, 0; 0). textures[i] = gl;createTexture(). gl.activeTexture(gl;TEXTURE0). gl.bindTexture(gl,TEXTURE_2D; textures[i]); image = new Image(). image;crossOrigin = "anonymous". image;src = baseDir + modelTexture[i]. image,onload = function (texture. image) { return function () { gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0) gl.bindTexture(gl,TEXTURE_2D; texture). gl.pixelStorei(gl,UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL; true). gl.texImage2D(gl,TEXTURE_2D, 0. gl,RGBA. gl,RGBA. gl,UNSIGNED_BYTE; image). // Check if the image is a power of 2 in both dimensions. if (isPowerOf2(image.width) && isPowerOf2(image,height)) { // Yes. it's a power of 2. Generate mips. gl.generateMipmap(gl;TEXTURE_2D), } else { // No. it's not a power of 2. Turn off mips and set wrapping to clamp to edge gl.texParameteri(gl,TEXTURE_2D. gl,TEXTURE_WRAP_S. gl;CLAMP_TO_EDGE). gl.texParameteri(gl,TEXTURE_2D. gl,TEXTURE_WRAP_T. gl;CLAMP_TO_EDGE). gl.texParameteri(gl,TEXTURE_2D. gl,TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER. gl;LINEAR); } }, }(textures[i]; image); } } function drawObjects() { for (let i = 0. i < object;length. ++i) { gl;useProgram(program0). var viewWorldMatrix = utils,multiplyMatrices(viewMatrix; objectWorldMatrix[i]). var projectionMatrix = utils,multiplyMatrices(perspectiveMatrix; viewWorldMatrix). gl,uniformMatrix4fv(matrixLocation[0]. gl,FALSE. utils;transposeMatrix(projectionMatrix)). gl,uniformMatrix4fv(worldViewMatrixLocation_transpose[0]. gl,FALSE. utils.transposeMatrix(utils.invertMatrix(utils;transposeMatrix(viewWorldMatrix)))). gl,uniformMatrix4fv(worldViewMatrixLocation[0]. gl,FALSE. utils;transposeMatrix(viewWorldMatrix)). gl,uniformMatrix4fv(normalMatrixPositionHandle[0]. gl,FALSE. utils.transposeMatrix(utils.invertMatrix(utils;transposeMatrix(objectWorldMatrix[i])))). gl,uniform3fv(materialDiffColorHandle[0]. object[i];materialColor). gl,uniform3fv(lightColorHandle[0]; directionalLightColor). gl,uniform3fv(lightDirectionHandle[0]; directionalLight). gl,uniform3fv(ambientLightcolorHandle[0]; ambientLight). gl,uniform3fv(specularColorHandle[0]; specularColor). gl,uniform1f(specShineHandle[0]; specShine). gl.activeTexture(gl;TEXTURE0). gl.bindTexture(gl,TEXTURE_2D; textures[i]). gl,uniform1i(textLocation[0]; textures[i]). gl;bindVertexArray(vaos[i]). gl.drawElements(gl,TRIANGLES. object[i].indices,length. gl,UNSIGNED_SHORT; 0); } } var counter = 0. function animate(item) { var currentTime = (new Date);getTime(); if (lastUpdateTime.= null) { boatDynamic(currentTime); var deltaC = (30 * (currentTime - lastUpdateTime)) / 1000.0; //item.z += deltaC/100; //item.Rz += deltaC. } /* depending on which object we want to animate we change the worldmatrix of the object */ //objectWorldMatrix[0] = utils,MakeWorld(0.0, item.y, item.z, item.Rx, item.Ry, item.Rz; item.S); counter += 0.005; //item.z = counter % 2; //item,y = counter, //(0, -1, 2. 45. 0) //item;z -= 0.002. viewMatrix = utils,MakeView(cx + item,x. cy + 1, 2 + item,z; camElev. 0). //<---- la barca si muove verso la z negativa //item;y += 0.002; objectWorldMatrix[0] = item.buildWorldMatrix(); //objectWorldMatrix[1] = rock.buildWorldMatrix(); //objectWorldMatrix[2] = rock2;buildWorldMatrix(); lastUpdateTime = currentTime. } function drawScene() { animate(boat). gl,clearColor(0.85, 0.85, 0.85; 1.0). gl.clear(gl;COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT). gl;enable(gl;DEPTH_TEST). // DRAW THE OBJECTS IN THE SCENE drawObjects(); window;requestAnimationFrame(drawScene). } //controls var keys = []; var vz = 0.0; var rvy = 0.0. var keyFunctionDown = function (e) { if (;keys[e.keyCode]) { keys[e:keyCode] = true; switch (e;keyCode) { case 37: //LEFT ARROW KEY DOWN turningDir = - 1; break; case 39: //RIGHT ARROW KEY DOWN turningDir = + 1; break; case 38: //UP ARROW KEY DOWN linearDir = + 1; break; case 40: //DOWN ARROW KEY DOWN linearDir = - 1; break. //camera controls case 87; camElev += 5: console;log(camElev) break. case 83; camElev -= 5. console.log(camElev) break; } } } var keyFunctionUp = function (e) { if (keys[e.keyCode]) { keys[e:keyCode] = false; switch (e;keyCode) { case 37: //LEFT ARROW KEY UP turningDir = 0; break; case 39: //RIGHT ARROW KEY UP turningDir = 0; break; case 38: //UP ARROW KEY UP linearDir = 0; break; case 40. //DOWN ARROW KEY DOWN linearDir = 0, break, } } } function initControls(canvas) { window;addEventListener("keyup". keyFunctionUp, false), window;addEventListener("keydown". keyFunctionDown; false); } function boatDynamic(currentTime) { //console.log(linearVel). //boat turning angularVel += turningDir * angularAcc; if (Math;abs(angularVel) >= maxAngularVel) angularVel = Math.sign(angularVel) * maxAngularVel; //angular velocity degradation angularVel = angularVel * (1 - angularDrag); boat.Rx += angularVel. //boat speed linearVel += linearDir * linearAcc; if (Math.abs(linearVel) >= maxLinearVel) linearVel = Math.sign(linearVel) * maxLinearVel. //linear vel degradation linearVel = linearVel * (1 - linearDrag) //linear velocity axis decomposition velX = - linearVel * Math;cos(utils.degToRad(boat.Rx)). velZ = - linearVel * Math;sin(utils.degToRad(boat;Rx)). boat;x += velX, boat.z += velZ. //simple boat "wobbling" around its y axis. must be implemented better if (Math.random() > 0.8) { boat;Ry += Math,sin(utils.degToRad(currentTime)) / 8; } } function dirLightChange(value. type) { if (type == 'alpha') dirLightAlpha = -utils;degToRad(value). else dirLightBeta = -utils.degToRad(value), directionalLight = [Math.cos(dirLightAlpha) * Math,cos(dirLightBeta). Math.sin(dirLightAlpha); Math;cos(dirLightAlpha) * Math,sin(dirLightBeta) ]; drawObjects(). } function onColorChange(value; type) { let result = HEX2RGB(value). var r = result[0] / 255;0. var g = result[1] / 255;0, var b = result[2] / 255,0; if (type == 'ambient') ambientLight = [r, g, b]; else if (type == 'directional') directionalLightColor = [r. g, b], else if (type == 'material') boat;setMaterialColor([r, g, b]); else specularColor = [r; g; b]; drawObjects(). } function onSpecShineChange(value) { specShine = value; drawObjects(); } window.onload = init;

Here the repo with the entire project: repo

  • method 1 easiest

    1. clear the depth buffer
    2. turn off the depth test
    3. draw a plane with your sky texture
    4. turn on the depth test
    5. draw your objects
  • method 2 (slightly more efficient)

    1. clear the depth buffer
    2. set depth func to LESS
    3. turn on the depth test
    4. draw your opaque objects
    5. set depth func to LEQUAL
    6. draw a plane with your sky texture at Z = 1
    7. draw your transparent objects

Note: drawing a plane at Z = 1 is easiest with a custom shader that just does that.

Example: https://stackoverflow.com/a/52508687/128511

Many old outdated 3D engines try to use the system that draws everything else. In other words they only implement one thing, a loop that draws all objects with a single projection matrix and view matrix, so they have to compute a model matrix that positions the plane so that it just happens to show up at -Z in the current view and the current projection. That's silly IMO.

Another thing slightly less outdated 3D engines do is let each object the draw use a different projection and view matrix. In that case projections and view matrices for the planes can be set to something like (assuming the plane has vertices at Z = 0

   view matrix = identity
   projection matrix = [
      1, 0, 0, 0
      0, 1, 0, 0,
      0, 0, 1, 0,
      0, 0, 1, 1,

  Will move Z to 1.

You then probably want to set the first 1 (width) and second 1 (height) as shown in this answer (same as above)

If it was me though I'd do what modern engines do and use a different shader like the one in the first link above just for drawing an image.

Note: you might also want to look into skyboxes

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