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stata-se, xstata-se command not found

I can't open the GUI of Stata running on local macOS machine from remote Ubuntu server.

I have installed stata-se on my local machine, I can open X11 apps like xclock and xeyes . I'm using the following command to connect to the server:

ssh -X username@servername -p XXXX

Is there any to resolve this issue?

Since the distinction is a little unclear in the question:

According to the documentation the command to launch the Stata SE GUI is:




launches the console version.

Since these are not working you can confirm the syntax diagram with:

stata -h

which will tell you the correct syntax, if Stata is actually installed.

If you are seeing something like:

$ command not found: Stata

then you may, similar to this , need to make sure that the path to Stata is properly set in your path file. Exactly how you do this depends on your terminal and operating system.

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