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SQL Exclude row based on other rows value

-1              Payment Received    7369442                                         
1               Payment Received    7369442                                         
2               Payment Received    7369442                                         
3               Payment Received    7369442                                         
4               Payment Received    7369442                                         
5               Payment Received    7369442                                         
6               Payment Received    7369442                                         
7               Payment Received    7369442                                         
8               Payment Received    7369442                                         
9               Payment Received    7369442                                         
10              Payment Received    7369442                                         
11              Payment Received    7369442                                         
12              Payment Received    7369442                             

I would like to remove the '-1' row anytime there is in any other number in the 'Line invoice column'. This is specfic for each Source_PMT_ID. If there is no '1' row return -1. How can I capture this in my sql query?

I suspect that you want window functions:

select *
from (
        max(case when line_invoice <> -1 then 1 else 0 end) 
            over(partition by source_pmt_id) flag
    from mytable t
) t
where line_invoice <> -1 or flag = 0

The window max() in the subquery checks if at least one row exists with the same source_pmt_id and a line_invoice value other than -1 . The outer query uses that information to filter out rows where line_invoice has value -1 , while retaining those that have no other value for the same source_pmt_id .

Assuming -1 is the lowest number and that line_invoice goes up from there:

select * 
from table1 tab
where LINE_INVOICE >= case when (select max(line_invoice) 
                                from table1 tb_
                                where tb_.payment_source = tab.payment_source
                                 and tb_.source_pmt_id = tab.source_pmt_id) = -1 then -1 else 0 end 

This Fiddle shows how it works .

One way with window functions:

select t.*
from (select t.*, max(line_invoice) over (partition by SOURCE_PMT_ID) as max_line_invoice
      from t
     ) t
where line_invoice > -1 or max_line_invoice = -1;

Or, without a subquery:

select t.*
from t
order by row_number() over (partition by source_pmt_id
                            order by case when line_invoice <> -1 then 1 else 2 end
fetch first 1 row with ties;

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