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C# TCP sending string with special char removes last char

When sending a string containing special chars, one char is removed from the end of the string, per special char in the sent string. IE: åker -> åke, ååker -> ååk

Sending strings with no special chars returns the full string as expected.

My string packets are writen/read like so:

public void Write(string _value)
    Write(_value.Length); // Add the length of the string to the packet
    //buffer.AddRange(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(_value)); // Add the string itself
    buffer.AddRange(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_value)); // Add the string itself

public string ReadString(bool _moveReadPos = true)
        int _length = ReadInt(); // Get the length of the string
        //string _value = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(readableBuffer, readPos, _length); // Convert the bytes to a string
        string _value = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(readableBuffer, readPos, _length); // Convert the bytes to a string
        Debug.Log("Value: " + _value);
        if (_moveReadPos && _value.Length > 0)
            // If _moveReadPos is true string is not empty
            readPos += _length; // Increase readPos by the length of the string
        return _value; // Return the string
        throw new Exception("Could not read value of type 'string'!");

As you can see, I've tried with both ASCII and UTF8, with ASCII special chars are just replaced with '?' and the string is not cut off.

What can I do to fix this issue? Let me know if more code is needed.

You're writing the length of the string, not the length of the encoded bytes. With multibyte characters, these will be different.

public void Write(string _value)
    var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_value);

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