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How do I access type use annotations in kotlin through reflection?

A library I'm using utilises type use annotations to add constraints to variables. For example, if you wanted a configurable opacity (in percent, represented by a float ), you'd annotate the float type:

public @Setting.Constrain.Range(min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.1) float opacity = 1f;

I could not get the same library to work on identical kotlin code.

To simplify the question, let's declare the annotation and usage ourselves:

public @interface JavaAnnot { }
public class TestJava {

    @JavaAnnot int a = 5;

    public static void main(String[] args) {


Running TestJava#main yields true , indicating that the JavaAnnot annotation is present on the type.

If we introduce a new kotlin class TestKotlin with a similar a field and annotated type:

class TestKotlin {

    val a: @JavaAnnot Int = 5


The previous check, now on the TestKotlin class:


yields false , indicating that the JavaAnnot annotation is NOT present on the Int type of a , even though we clearly did annotate it.

I've tried:

  • Annotating a with @JvmField . This did not change the behaviour.
  • Declaring an identical annotation in kotlin:
annotation class KotlinAnnot
val a: @KotlinAnnot Int = 5

Did not fix the problem.

  • Inspecting other metadata accessible through reflection: I did not find anything useful.

Is this a kotlin bug? Do type use annotations not exist in kotlin, or is the syntax different? What am I doing wrong?


Annotations of AnnotatedType of Kotlin fields are stored with Kotlin Metadata annotation and can be accessed only by Kotlin Reflection.


Since Kotlin 1.4.0, the compiler writes type annotations as it is expected.

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