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How to active scene2d simple moveTo on it?? libgdx

How to active scene2d simple move on it?? libgdx

My code like this, but I want to apply scene2d simple moveto code on it

public Mario(World world, PlayScreen screen){

    this.world = world;
    marioStand = new TextureRegion(getTexture(),0,11,16,16);
    setBounds(0,0,16/ MarioBros.PPM, 16 / MarioBros.PPM);


Doing simple moveto feature

public Mario(World world, PlayScreen screen){

    this.world = world;
    marioStand = new TextureRegion(getTexture(),0,11,16,16);
    setBounds(0,0,16/ MarioBros.PPM, 16 / MarioBros.PPM);

    stage = new Stage(); 

    this.addAction(Actions.sequence(Actions.moveTo(500,500,0.5f)));//Not Work


Anyidea to make Moveto scene2D function????

You are defining a Stage that is nowhere. For this Stage to work, you must tie it to a Screen and call act() and draw().

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