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Address case sensitivity in Django

Let's say I have an app named TaskDashboard . Yes, I know that the best practice is to give names for packages in lower case. But let's say that I can't change that.

Then I want to generate some docs using the built-in Django mechanisms. I wrote the following docstring for a model:

class Task(models.Model):
    Every task is linked to a :model:`TaskDashboard.Column`.

That allows to form the links to related models in the documentation. However, when I click on that, I get to the lower cased address /.../taskdashboard.column and get 404 error. If I change the address to /.../TaskDashboard.column/ I get the proper page.

How to solve the problem with case sensitivity without changing the app name?

Change AppConfig.label in app config

from django.apps import AppConfig

class TaskdashboardConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'TaskDashboard'

and specify this new config class in INSTALLED_APPS

    # other apps
    # other apps

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