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Bind class properties from string in c#

I have a string like "dataSource=ReportDataSource;storedProcedure=GetUserEmails;tableName=Users". Is there a way to bind the class properties from this type of string. I have a class with all 3 properties dataSource,storedProcedure and tableName.

Try to use linq instead of the loops, but temporarily this should work:

string s = "dataSource=ReportDataSource;storedProcedure=GetUserEmails;tableName=Users";
var split1 = s.Split(';');
var props = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach(var ss in split1)
    var splitProperty = ss.Split('=');
    props.Add(splitProperty[0], splitProperty[1]);
var newDbCon = new dbCon();
var classType = typeof(dbCon);
foreach(var p in props)
    classType.GetProperty(p.Key).SetValue(newDbCon, p.Value);

And the class:

class dbCon
        public string dataSource { get; set; }
        public string storedProcedure { get; set; }
        public string tableName { get; set; }

Assuming your target class looks like this:

    public class Target
        public string DataSource {get;set;}
        public string StoredProcedure {get;set;}
        public string TableName {get;set;}

Here's a simple way to do it:

// That's your source string
var source = "dataSource=ReportDataSource;storedProcedure=GetUserEmails;tableName=Users";

// Using a couple of replaces and add `{"` at the start and `"}` at the end, 
// convert your source string to json:
var json = "{\"" + source.Replace("=", "\":\"").Replace(";", "\",\"") + "\"}";

// Deserialize
var target = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Target>(json);

Note: If your string already contains \" inside - you need to escape it:

var json = "{\"" + source.Replace("\"", "\\\"").Replace("=", "\":\"").Replace(";", "\",\"") + "\"}";

You can see a live demo on Restester.

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