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Unable to connect to remote Database using SSH tunneling from a Docker Container

My script was running completely fine in my localhost until I started running it inside a Docker Container. I do not know what went wrong. I get INFO: Connection to DB failed: due to Exception: No password or public key available! error

My db_config.py file:

with SSHTunnelForwarder(
                (<Bastian Host IP>, 22),
                remote_bind_address=(<Remote DB IP>, 1521),
                local_bind_address=('localhost', 1521)
         ) as tunnel:
            dsn_tns = 

            self.db_connection = cx_Oracle.connect(os.getenv("OCI_DAS_NAME"),
                                                   os.getenv("OCI_DAS_PASS"), dsn_tns)
            logger.info('Connection to  DB successful')
    except Exception as ex:
        logger.info('Connection to DB failed! due to Exception: {}'.format(ex))

Oh, i fixed the issue. It was because the WORKDIR in my Dockerfile was pointing to the root location and I had to write the relative path in the ssh_pkey='oalkey.openssh' to ssh_pkey='app/var/www/oalkey.openssh'. Simple:-)

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