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Why am I unable to access function properties?

I'm writing a function with refernece to callback functions. However I cannot seem to access its properties.

const example = (
   callback: (...args: unknown[]) => unknown
): void => ({
   name: callback.name // <- errors
   // ...

My issue is, doesn't like me accessing the funciton properties.

name: callback.name 
// ts(2339): Property 'name' does not exist on type '(...args: any[]) => any'

What would be the correct way of accessing the function name (or other Function properties for that matter)?

Typescript version: " ˆ3.9.7 " (latest as to the day of this post)

Allright I found what caused it and how to fix it. This issue occured because of how my tsconfig.json was set up inside my project.

// tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",
    // ....

Reason being interface Functon has only been declared in lib.es6.d.ts

So depending on the needs, in order to solve this, you can

  • Either upgrade the target version in tsconfig.json

    { "compilerOptions": { "target": "es6" // was "es5" //... } }
  • Or specify the "lib" to be included in compilation

     { "compilerOptions": { "target": "es5", "lib": ["es6", "dom", "es2016", "es2017", "es5"], // needs at least es6 //... } }
import { Dispatch, SetStateAction } from 'react'
import { FieldType, ErrorType } from 'types/FieldTypes'

const handleErrors = (
  setField: Dispatch<SetStateAction<FieldType>>,
  callback: {
    name: 'name of callback',
    run: (args) => {
      try {
      } catch (e) {
      const newError: ErrorType = {
        name: callback.name,
        message: e.message,
      setField((prevData) => ({
        errors: [...prevData.errors || [], newError],

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