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Timered operations in a critical section [C]

I'm coding in C on Ubuntu.

I need to write a thread called for example "timeredThread" that do some operations in a critical section after N microseconds like the following:

void * timeredThread(void)


Also, I need another thread, called for example "timerManager", that can reset the previous timer. My first idea was to create a "timerManager" that kills "timeredThread" and create another one, but this does not work because if I kill "timeredThread" with pthread_cancel() when it's waiting for the mutex I create a deadlock. Deadlock is created because the mutex is in the lock state.

What can I do about it? Thanks to all in advance.

pthread_mutex_t watchdog_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t  watchdog_cond  = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
int reset_watchdog = 0;

void reset_watchdog(void) {
   reset_watchdog = 1;

void watchdog(void) {
   struct timespec sleep_until = { 0 };
   sleep_until.tv_sec = time(NULL) + TIMEOUT;


   // Loop until a time out.
   while (!pthread_cond_timedwait(&watchdog_cond, &watchdog_mutex, &sleep_until)) {
      if (reset_watchdog) {
         sleep_until.tv_sec = time() + TIMEOUT;
         reset_watchdog = 0;


   // ...

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