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Can you compose parameterised types in Haskell type signatures?

I've been trying to write a custom Optics data structure that generalises Lenses, Prisms and Traversals. My data structure looks like this:

data Optic m a b = Optic { view :: a -> m b
                         , over :: a -> (b -> b) -> a

I want to write a function that composes two Optics, optic1:: Optic mab and optic2:: Optic nb c to produce an Optic containing view:: a -> m (nc) and over:: a -> (c -> c) -> a .

In my head, the type of this composed Optic would be Optic (mn) a c , but this doesn't work - GHC will complain that m has one too many type arguments and n one too few.

Here's my non-compiling implementation of the compose function:

compose :: Optic m a b -> Optic n b c -> (m b -> (b -> n c) -> m (n c)) -> Optic (m n) a c
compose optic1 optic2 glue = Optic { view = viewCompose (view optic1) (view optic2) glue
                                   , over = overCompose (over optic1) (over optic2)

viewCompose :: (a -> m b) -> (b -> n c) -> (m b -> (b -> n c) -> m (n c)) -> a -> m (n c)
viewCompose view1 view2 glue x = glue (view1 x) view2

overCompose :: (a -> (b -> b) -> a) -> (b -> (c -> c) -> b) -> a -> (c -> c) -> a
overCompose over1 over2 x f = over1 x (\y -> over2 y f)

The GHC error messages are:

optic.hs:7:83: error:
    • Expecting one fewer argument to ‘m n’
      Expected kind ‘* -> *’, but ‘m n’ has kind ‘*’
    • In the first argument of ‘Optic’, namely ‘m n’
      In the type signature:
        compose :: Optic m a b
                   -> Optic n b c -> (m b -> (b -> n c) -> m (n c)) -> Optic (m n) a c

optic.hs:7:85: error:
    • Expecting one more argument to ‘n’
      Expected a type, but ‘n’ has kind ‘* -> *’
    • In the first argument of ‘m’, namely ‘n’
      In the first argument of ‘Optic’, namely ‘m n’
      In the type signature:
        compose :: Optic m a b
                   -> Optic n b c -> (m b -> (b -> n c) -> m (n c)) -> Optic (m n) a c

If I create an optic of type Optic Maybe Int Int , GHC understands that the first type argument has kind * -> * and doesn't complain about insufficient arguments. But I can't figure out how to combine types together to create another type of kind * -> * .

Is there any way (with or without language extensions) to express something like:

Optic (forall t. m (n t)) a c

As per @chi's comment, Haskell doesn't directly support type-level lambdas. So, while there exists a type named Maybe of kind * -> * which directly represents the type-level lambda \a ~> Maybe a , there's no corresponding type directly representing the type-level lambda \a ~> Maybe (Maybe a) .

This means that given your defined type for the field view :

view :: a -> m b

it is impossible to find an optic Optic mab for any type m that would satisfy:

view :: a -> Maybe (Maybe b)  -- impossible

You must instead use some kind of encoding for these types. The Compose newtype imported from Data.Functor.Compose is one alternative. It's definition is:

newtype Compose m n a = Compose (m (n a))

It basically wraps up the type lambda \a ~> m (na) which has no direct Haskell representation into a type lambda \a ~> (Compose mn) a whose direct Haskell representation is simply Compose mn: * -> * .

The drawback is that it will introduce a non-uniformity in your types -- there'll be "plain" optics like Optic Maybe Int Int and then "composed" optics, like Optic (Compose Maybe Maybe) Int Int . You can use coerce to work around this inconvenience in most cases.

The appropriate definition of compose using the Compose newtype would look something like:

type Glue m n b c = m b -> (b -> n c) -> m (n c)

compose :: Optic m a b -> Optic n b c -> Glue m n b c -> Optic (Compose m n) a c
compose optic1 optic2 glue
  = Optic { view = viewCompose (view optic1) (view optic2) glue
          , over = overCompose (over optic1) (over optic2)
    viewCompose view1 view2 glue x = Compose $ glue (view1 x) view2
    overCompose over1 over2 x f = over1 x (\y -> over2 y f)

and for a typical Maybe -based optic:

_Left :: Optic Maybe (Either a b) a
_Left = Optic v o
  where v (Left x) = Just x
        v (Right _) = Nothing
        o (Left x) f = Left (f x)
        o (Right y) _ = Right y

a composed optic might look like:

_Left2 = compose _Left _Left (flip fmap)

Using it directly will introduce a Compose wrapper:

> view _Left2 (Left (Left "xxx"))
Compose (Just (Just "xxx"))

but you can coerce the result to avoid explicit unwrapping, particularly helpful if there are multiple nested Compose layers:

λ> import Data.Coerce
λ> _Left4 = compose _Left2 _Left2 (flip fmap)
λ> :t _Left4
  :: Optic
       (Compose (Compose Maybe Maybe) (Compose Maybe Maybe))
       (Either (Either (Either (Either c b4) b5) b6) b7)
λ> view _Left4 (Left (Left (Left (Left True))))
Compose (Compose (Just (Just (Compose (Just (Just True))))))
λ> coerce $ view _Left4 (Left (Left (Left (Left True)))) :: Maybe (Maybe (Maybe (Maybe Bool)))
Just (Just (Just (Just True)))

The full code:

import Data.Coerce
import Data.Functor.Compose

data Optic m a b = Optic { view :: a -> m b
                         , over :: a -> (b -> b) -> a

type Glue m n b c = m b -> (b -> n c) -> m (n c)

compose :: Optic m a b -> Optic n b c -> Glue m n b c -> Optic (Compose m n) a c
compose optic1 optic2 glue
  = Optic { view = viewCompose (view optic1) (view optic2) glue
          , over = overCompose (over optic1) (over optic2)
    viewCompose view1 view2 glue x = Compose $ glue (view1 x) view2
    overCompose over1 over2 x f = over1 x (\y -> over2 y f)

_Left :: Optic Maybe (Either a b) a
_Left = Optic v o
  where v (Left x) = Just x
        v (Right _) = Nothing
        o (Left x) f = Left (f x)
        o (Right y) _ = Right y

_Left2 :: Optic (Compose Maybe Maybe) (Either (Either c b1) b2) c
_Left2 = compose _Left _Left (flip fmap)

_Left4 :: Optic (Compose (Compose Maybe Maybe) (Compose Maybe Maybe)) (Either (Either (Either (Either c b1) b2) b3) b4) c
_Left4 = compose _Left2 _Left2 (flip fmap)

main = do
  print $ view _Left4 (Left (Left (Left (Left True))))
  print $ (coerce $ view _Left4 (Left (Left (Left (Left True)))) :: Maybe (Maybe (Maybe (Maybe Bool))))

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