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您可以在 Haskell 类型签名中编写参数化类型吗?

[英]Can you compose parameterised types in Haskell type signatures?

我一直在尝试编写一个自定义光学数据结构来概括镜头、棱镜和遍历。 我的数据结构如下所示:

data Optic m a b = Optic { view :: a -> m b
                         , over :: a -> (b -> b) -> a

我想写一个 function 组成两个光学元件, optic1:: Optic maboptic2:: Optic nb c以生成包含view:: a -> m (nc)over:: a -> (c -> c) -> a

在我的脑海中,这种组合光学的类型将是Optic (mn) a c ,但这不起作用 - GHC 会抱怨 m 有太多类型 arguments 和 n 太少。

这是我对 compose function 的非编译实现:

compose :: Optic m a b -> Optic n b c -> (m b -> (b -> n c) -> m (n c)) -> Optic (m n) a c
compose optic1 optic2 glue = Optic { view = viewCompose (view optic1) (view optic2) glue
                                   , over = overCompose (over optic1) (over optic2)

viewCompose :: (a -> m b) -> (b -> n c) -> (m b -> (b -> n c) -> m (n c)) -> a -> m (n c)
viewCompose view1 view2 glue x = glue (view1 x) view2

overCompose :: (a -> (b -> b) -> a) -> (b -> (c -> c) -> b) -> a -> (c -> c) -> a
overCompose over1 over2 x f = over1 x (\y -> over2 y f)

GHC 错误消息是:

optic.hs:7:83: error:
    • Expecting one fewer argument to ‘m n’
      Expected kind ‘* -> *’, but ‘m n’ has kind ‘*’
    • In the first argument of ‘Optic’, namely ‘m n’
      In the type signature:
        compose :: Optic m a b
                   -> Optic n b c -> (m b -> (b -> n c) -> m (n c)) -> Optic (m n) a c

optic.hs:7:85: error:
    • Expecting one more argument to ‘n’
      Expected a type, but ‘n’ has kind ‘* -> *’
    • In the first argument of ‘m’, namely ‘n’
      In the first argument of ‘Optic’, namely ‘m n’
      In the type signature:
        compose :: Optic m a b
                   -> Optic n b c -> (m b -> (b -> n c) -> m (n c)) -> Optic (m n) a c

如果我创建一个Optic Maybe Int Int类型的光学元件,GHC 会理解第一个类型参数有 kind * -> *并且不会抱怨 arguments 不足。 但我不知道如何将类型组合在一起以创建另一种类型* -> *


Optic (forall t. m (n t)) a c

根据@chi 的评论,Haskell 不直接支持类型级 lambda。 因此,虽然存在一个名为Maybe的类型* -> *直接表示类型级别 lambda \a ~> Maybe a ,但没有对应的类型直接表示类型级别 lambda \a ~> Maybe (Maybe a) .


view :: a -> m b

不可能为任何类型的m找到满足以下条件的 optic Optic mab

view :: a -> Maybe (Maybe b)  -- impossible

您必须改为对这些类型使用某种编码。 Data.Functor.Compose导入的Compose新类型是一种替代方法。 它的定义是:

newtype Compose m n a = Compose (m (n a))

It basically wraps up the type lambda \a ~> m (na) which has no direct Haskell representation into a type lambda \a ~> (Compose mn) a whose direct Haskell representation is simply Compose mn: * -> * .

缺点是它会在您的类型中引入不均匀性——将有“普通”光学元件,如Optic Maybe Int Int ,然后是“组合”光学元件,如Optic (Compose Maybe Maybe) Int Int 在大多数情况下,您可以使用coerce来解决这种不便。


type Glue m n b c = m b -> (b -> n c) -> m (n c)

compose :: Optic m a b -> Optic n b c -> Glue m n b c -> Optic (Compose m n) a c
compose optic1 optic2 glue
  = Optic { view = viewCompose (view optic1) (view optic2) glue
          , over = overCompose (over optic1) (over optic2)
    viewCompose view1 view2 glue x = Compose $ glue (view1 x) view2
    overCompose over1 over2 x f = over1 x (\y -> over2 y f)


_Left :: Optic Maybe (Either a b) a
_Left = Optic v o
  where v (Left x) = Just x
        v (Right _) = Nothing
        o (Left x) f = Left (f x)
        o (Right y) _ = Right y


_Left2 = compose _Left _Left (flip fmap)


> view _Left2 (Left (Left "xxx"))
Compose (Just (Just "xxx"))


λ> import Data.Coerce
λ> _Left4 = compose _Left2 _Left2 (flip fmap)
λ> :t _Left4
  :: Optic
       (Compose (Compose Maybe Maybe) (Compose Maybe Maybe))
       (Either (Either (Either (Either c b4) b5) b6) b7)
λ> view _Left4 (Left (Left (Left (Left True))))
Compose (Compose (Just (Just (Compose (Just (Just True))))))
λ> coerce $ view _Left4 (Left (Left (Left (Left True)))) :: Maybe (Maybe (Maybe (Maybe Bool)))
Just (Just (Just (Just True)))


import Data.Coerce
import Data.Functor.Compose

data Optic m a b = Optic { view :: a -> m b
                         , over :: a -> (b -> b) -> a

type Glue m n b c = m b -> (b -> n c) -> m (n c)

compose :: Optic m a b -> Optic n b c -> Glue m n b c -> Optic (Compose m n) a c
compose optic1 optic2 glue
  = Optic { view = viewCompose (view optic1) (view optic2) glue
          , over = overCompose (over optic1) (over optic2)
    viewCompose view1 view2 glue x = Compose $ glue (view1 x) view2
    overCompose over1 over2 x f = over1 x (\y -> over2 y f)

_Left :: Optic Maybe (Either a b) a
_Left = Optic v o
  where v (Left x) = Just x
        v (Right _) = Nothing
        o (Left x) f = Left (f x)
        o (Right y) _ = Right y

_Left2 :: Optic (Compose Maybe Maybe) (Either (Either c b1) b2) c
_Left2 = compose _Left _Left (flip fmap)

_Left4 :: Optic (Compose (Compose Maybe Maybe) (Compose Maybe Maybe)) (Either (Either (Either (Either c b1) b2) b3) b4) c
_Left4 = compose _Left2 _Left2 (flip fmap)

main = do
  print $ view _Left4 (Left (Left (Left (Left True))))
  print $ (coerce $ view _Left4 (Left (Left (Left (Left True)))) :: Maybe (Maybe (Maybe (Maybe Bool))))


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