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Split the data in the specific column in the DataFrame

I start to study python and I have one question in the data frame, In the df. let's say CarName columns.

chevrolet impala
chevrolet monte carlo
dodge rampage

In the CarName column's data is consist of car-brand and car-model I want to make new columns so I applied split function to separate.

CarBrand = df['CarName'].apply(lambda x: x.split(' ')[0])

But when I tried to get car-model with this code

CarModel = df['CarName'].apply(lambda x: x.split(' ')[1])

The result shows list index out of range error

What will be an efficient way to split the data properly?

Thank you in advance:)

In [31]: df
0       chevrolet impala
1  chevrolet monte carlo
2          dodge rampage

In [32]: df.CarName.str.split(" ",1,expand=True).rename({0:"CarBrand",1:"CarModel"},axis=1)
    CarBrand     CarModel
0  chevrolet       impala
1  chevrolet  monte carlo
2      dodge      rampage

You need to include index=1 to apply the function to each row.

CarBrand = df['CarName'].apply(lambda x: x.split(' ')[0], index=1)
CarModel = df['CarName'].apply(lambda x: x.split(' ')[1], index=1)

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