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Can this member function selection code be written without std::invoke?

I was trying to select a member fn based on some constexpr value. I then tried to call the selected function, but I was getting errors about how I am calling member fn with incorrect syntax.

error: must use '.*' or '->*' to call pointer-to-member function in
'S::SelectedGetter<&S::fn1, &S::fn2>::fn (...)', e.g. '(... ->*
S::SelectedGetter<&S::fn1, &S::fn2>::fn) (...)'     
    18 |     return SelectedGetter<&S::fn1, &S::fn2>::fn();

I tried to call it "properly" but failed. In the end I am using std::invoke , but I wonder if this can be done without std::invoke , using just "raw" C++ syntax.

#include <algorithm>
#include <type_traits>

static constexpr int number = 18;

struct S
    using GetterFn = uint32_t(S::*)() const;
    uint32_t fn1()const {
        return 47;
    uint32_t fn2() const {
        return 8472;

    template <GetterFn Getter1, GetterFn Getter2>
    struct SelectedGetter
        static constexpr GetterFn fn = (number < 11) ? Getter1 : Getter2;

    uint32_t f() {
        return std::invoke((SelectedGetter<&S::fn1, &S::fn2>::fn), this);

int main() 
    return S{}.f() % 100;

godbolt link

Note: I am fine with C++20 solutions, for example if some concept s magic can help...

You can call it like normal member function pointer call . The correct syntax would be

 return ((*this).*SelectedGetter<&S::fn1, &S::fn2>::fn)();


return (this->*SelectedGetter<&S::fn1, &S::fn2>::fn)();

( See a demo )

Side notes:

  • If the functions you call in f are const , also you could make it also uint32_t f() const
  • Secondly, you can replace the SelectedGetter with a variable template (since ), and now you need less-typing

It will look like

// variable template
template<GetterFn Getter1, GetterFn Getter2>
static constexpr auto fn = (number < 11) ? Getter1 : Getter2;

uint32_t f() const {
   return (this->*fn<&S::fn1, &S::fn2>)();

( See a demo )

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