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How to get a Smooth Camera Rotation via button press in Unity3d

I'm relatively new to Unity so my experience in writing code is limited.

I made a camera script that upon button press, rotates the camera on the y-axis, relative to the world space. It works, but its instantaneous. Without affecting its rotation speed or the other axes, I want to show a smooth rotation to its target axis. Here is the code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class CameraRotation : MonoBehaviour
    public float camRotationSpeed = 90f;
    float camRotation;

    private void LateUpdate()

    void RotateCamera()
        camRotation = Input.GetAxis("Camera Rotate") * camRotationSpeed;

        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Camera Rotate")) 
            gameObject.transform.Rotate(0, camRotation, 0, Space.World);

For these kinds of tasks, I would suggest you use tweeting libraries. These quite a few libraries on Unity Asset-Store some of them are free to use. Since I only used DoTween I can only tell you about that.

You can also achieve this by using CoRoutines as well. But they tend to be memory intensive sometimes.


float camRotationDuration = 0.5f; //This value is in seconds
bool isCameraRotating = false;
void RotateCamera()
    camRotation = Input.GetAxis("Camera Rotate") * camRotationSpeed;

    if (Input.GetButtonDown("Camera Rotate")) 
        if (!isCameraRotating)
            transform.DORotate(new Vector3(0, camRotation , 0), camRotationDuration);
            isCameraRotating = true;
            Invoke("SetCameraRotateToFalse", camRotationDuration);

private void SetCameraRotateToFalse()
    isCameraRotating = false;

Please take a look at the DoTween documentation that I've added to the bottom of the answer in case you want to use this.

DoTween Documentation

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